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Columbus, OH

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Hi, we're Adopt a Pet

20 years helping pets in need

15K+ shelter and rescue partners

223K+ adoptions

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New to pet adoption? Start here.

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Not sure where to start in your adoption journey?

Check out our adoption guidebook – a free resource that includes everything from a printable checklist, shelter interview tips, how to pick the right pet, and even food and treat offers.

Kinship App

Need to get some questions answered before adopting?

Chat with licensed vets on Kinship – one app for all your pet parent answers. Free for three months, you can ask your questions to an expert directly instead of Googling for confidence.

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Adopt a cat

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Person with a pet

Need to find a new home for a pet?

We're here to help them find a new, loving family—quickly and safely with Rehome by Adopt a Pet.