English Cocker Spaniel

Breed Type: Sporting
Coat: Double
Hypoallergenic: No, they will likely trigger allergies.
Temperament: Affectionate, friendly, gentle, loyal
Life expectancy: 12-14 years
Color & patterns:
Hero image
english cocker - black
english cocker - red
Oh, the ears. The adorable, floppy ears are an English Cocker Spaniel’s most distinctive features. But it’s not all about looks. The breed was originally developed in England to hunt woodcock and other game birds but later became popular companions known for their boundless energy, sweet dispositions, and eagerness to please.

English Cocker Spaniel characteristics

Average height

15-17 inches (38.1-43.2cm)

Average weight

26-34 pounds (11.8-15.4 kg)

Average lifespan

12-14 years

Exercise needs
Low-key activityHigh-energy workouts
Grooming needs
Full-grown size
Teeny tinySuper size
Good with cats
Likely to chaseHey, new pal!
Good with kids
Needs lots of supervisionReady to play
Training aptitude
HeadstrongEager to please

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Adopting an English Cocker Spaniel

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