No, Balinese and Javanese cats are not exactly the same. Both are long-haired versions of the Siamese, but the main difference is their coat colors. Balinese cats typically come in traditional Siamese colors like seal, chocolate, blue, and lilac. Javanese cats, on the other hand, were developed to include a wider variety of colors like red, cream, and lynx point patterns.
When it comes to breed recognition, there’s some overlap. Major cat organizations like the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) and The International Cat Association (TICA) originally recognized the Javanese as a separate breed from the Balinese due to their expanded color range.
However, more recently, the CFA decided to merge the two under the Balinese breed umbrella, no longer recognizing Javanese as a separate breed. TICA, on the other hand, still considers Javanese a distinct variety within the Balinese breed category but not a standalone breed. So, while they have distinct traits, breed organizations are a bit divided on whether they are separate breeds or just variations of the same.