Are Javanese cats good with other cats?

Are Javanese cats good with other cats?
Yes, Javanese cats can be good with other cats. They’re social by nature and enjoy having company, whether from their pet parents or fellow feline friends. Since they’re playful and energetic, they often get along well with other cats who match their active personalities. As long as proper introductions are made, a Javanese cat can typically thrive in a multi-cat household.
When introducing a Javanese cat to other cats, start by keeping them in separate spaces to allow adjustment. Swap bedding or toys between them so they can get used to each other’s scent. Once they’re comfortable, let them observe each other through a barrier before moving to supervised, in-person meetings. Keep initial meetings short and positive, using treats and toys to create an enjoyable environment. Gradually extend their time together, ensuring interactions remain peaceful and allowing them to bond at their own pace.