Adopt A Japanese Bobtail

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Adopting a Japanese Bobtail

Frequently asked questions about acquiring an Japanese Bobtail - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

It can cost $50 to $150 to adopt a Japanese Bobtail from a shelter or rescue organization. This adoption fee usually covers an initial exam, preventatives, vaccines, microchipping, and spay/neuter. Conversely, buying a Japanese Bobtail cat from a breeder can be prohibitively expensive and typically costs $800 to $2,500.

The easiest way to adopt a Japanese Bobtail would be through a shelter or cat-specific rescue group. A great place to start is with a breed search on Adopt a Pet, which will show you all the available Japanese Bobtails in the search radius. Since they are a rare breed, especially in the U.S., it may help to look beyond your local area.

Japanese Bobtail fun facts

Fun Facts:

Ever seen those cat figurines featured in many Japanese stores? They’re Japanese Bobtails! The figurines are considered lucky due to the Maneki Neko legend that a Japanese Bobtail saved a man’s life by beckoning him away right before lightning struck.

In the 1400s, the rodent population threatened to end Japan's powerful silk industry via the silkworm cocoons so the government decreed—all cats were to be set free to fulfill their natural mouser instincts. What a far cry from the breed’s royal beginning!

Many claim that Hello Kitty is a Japanese Bobtail, though there is some debate about this among fans.

Japanese Bobtail hero photo

Japanese Bobtail Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Japanese Bobtail types to temperament and health issues to popular Japanese Bobtail mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.