(when grown) Large 61-100 lbs (28-45 kg)
Not good with kids,
Spayed or Neutered,
**$225 in pledges to any rescue that may pull!**
** New Videos 3/6 **
Chicago ACCT-A-213085 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to length of stay and lack of space for incoming dogs. Chicago must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER, FOSTER or ADOPTER by SATURDAY, MARCH 8TH at 10AM. Should Chicago’s medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.
Chicago is a curious and independent girl who loves to explore the world on her own terms. She was found as a stray on February 12th along with another dog who has already been adopted. Chicago enjoys a good back scratch but is happiest sniffing around and taking in her surroundings. She may not seek out constant attention, but she’ll check in with her people when she’s feeling curious. She’s been noted to be an anxious baby who loves and needs to run. While she’s still learning to trust, she has shown interest in meeting other dogs and is open to making new furry friends. Chicago is looking for a patient, understanding home without any children that will let her come out of her shell at her own pace. Please bring any resident dogs and all members of your household along to meet her. Due to her length of stay, Chicago is urgently seeking placement with a rescue partner or adopter.
Spring, Little Miss & Chicago Drop Leash:
Boosie, Spring, Chicago Drop Leash:
Wood, Chicago, Spring Drop Leash:
Baron, Batman, Spring, Chicago, Drop Leash:
Baby Boo, Batman, Chicago Drop Leash:
Layla, Pirrin, Izzy, Chicago, and Earl drop leash:
Layla, Pirrin, Izzy, Chicago, and Earl drop leash 2:
Pancake, Rosey, Izzy, Layla, and Pirrin drop leash:
Chicago, Pancake, Rosey, Izzy, Layla, and Pirrin drop leash:
Duke Dior and Izzy drop leash:
Duke Dior, Mango Smallfry, Chicago, Rosey, Izzy, Layla, and Pirrin drop leash:
Candice, Izzy, Chicago, Duke Dior, Zorella, and Pirrin drop leash:
Mustafa, Izzy, Chicago, Duke Dior, Zorella, and Pirrin drop leash:
Jace, Izzy, Chicago, Duke Dior, Zorella, and Pirrin drop leash:
Chicago wants to make friends:
Chicago loves to sniff around:
Earl and Chicago drop leash:
** New Note! ** Due to improvement in behavior, moving from Blue to GOLD.
** New Notes! ** Per volunteer on 3/4: Easy to leash and walk through kennels to outside. Did a buddy walk with Patrick Loveheart and both enjoyed themselves. They interacted in a friendly, affiliative and playful manner while also exploring the environments on their own.
Per volunteer 2/25: Aloof, short walk/covered yard, likes smells.
Per staff 2/21: Nervous but sweet.
Per staff 2/20: Excited, pretty good on leash.
Per staff 2/17: Scared.
Per staff 2/16: Shy, stiff, fearful.
Per staff 2/15: Well behaved on leash, likes scratches and affection.
Per volunteer 2/15: Chicago is an independent girlie. She enjoys a back scritch but pretty much likes to sniff and explore without much engagement. Her hackles went up at the green thing in the yard and she checked in with her handler but then sniffed it and was okay. She was interested in meeting other dogs. She didn’t engage in play and couldn’t have treats before surgery. We just sniffed around peed on things.
Chicago was laying down near the door when the handler approached. The handler called to her and she stood up with a low tail, neutral body and semi hard eyes. She was patient for leashing and stood at the front while the handler leashed her.
Pulls moderately, hackles raised while walking through kennels
In the room Chicago was fairly neutral bodied and avoidant of us. She had no interest in interaction and sniffed around the room. She had no interest in treats in the room and walked around with a tense tight mouth. When first attempting handling she was tolerant but would shy way and move away after a few seconds. With time she became a bit more tolerant to touch and allowed us to pet her head, back and sides without issue, but remained aloof and had no interest in interacting with us.
No interest
No interest
Per finder: Excited but friendly towards strangers. Pulls very hard on leash, extremely excited. Friendly and playful.
On 2/18, Chicago was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection (URI) or "doggy cold" and started on medication. She tested negative for pneumovirus and has completed her medication.
On 2/15, Chicago was spayed.
During her intake exam on 2/12, Chicago appeared to be in good health with no concerns.
Due to being significantly overcapacity with animals and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging an animal.
ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit for details.
If you are a rescue interested in pulling this animal, please email our lifesaving team, or visit here if you are not currently a rescue partner:
Confirmed placement is considered a confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent.
All animals at ACCT Philly are from Philadelphia, as the only open-intake animal shelter in Philadelphia, we are not able to accept animals from outside of Philadelphia. ACCT Philly's Pennsylvania kennel license number is 08313.