The most common coat colors of American Curl cats include black, white, red, orange, brown, cream, blue, and silver. These cats can also be long or short-haired, although long-haired is more prevalent, and the color of their coats can appear in various patterns such as solid, tabby, tortoiseshell, calico, bicolor, and colorpoint.
The tabby pattern features stripes, swirls, or spots, while the tortoiseshell pattern is a mix of black and red or their dilute versions, blue and cream. The calico pattern is similar to a tortoiseshell pattern but with the addition of white patches, creating a tricolored appearance. Bicolor coats combine any color with white, which can be present on the chest, belly, legs, and face. Similar to the Siamese, the colorpoint pattern features darker colors on the ears, face, paws, and tail.