American Curl

Breed Type: Western
Common nicknames: Curl, Peter Pan Cat
Coat: Short-haired, long-haired
Hypoallergenic: No, they will likely trigger allergies.
Temperament: Affectionate, friendly, sociable, playful
Life expectancy: 12-16 years
Color & patterns:
Hero image
American Curl - cream
American Curl
The American Curl’s uniquely curled ears, which can be traced to a spontaneous genetic mutation, make this breed look as if they’ve just stumbled out of a wacky cartoon. And this breed is somewhat cartoon-like in their demeanor, too: These playful cats are always ready to entertain with their acrobatic leaps and hilarious antics. American Curls are affectionate, social butterflies, forging strong bonds with their human companions and making them excellent family pets. So if you’re seeking a kitty who will keep you entertained with their quirky personality, the American Curl is ready to curl their way into your heart.

American Curl characteristics

Learn about about American Curl basics like their fur colors, shedding levels, how much grooming they need, and other American Curl facts.

Average height

10-12 inches (25.4-30.5cm)

Average weight

8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg)

Average lifespan

12-16 years

Good with other cats
Needs spaceSocial butterfly
Good with dogs
Scaredy catHey, new pal!
Independent spiritLoves attention
Bare-skinnedSuper shedder
Prone to issuesGenerally healthy
Exercise needs
Low-key activityHigh-energy workouts
When does an American Curl stop growing?

An American Curl typically stops growing by the age of two to three years. While they may reach their full length and height around their first birthday, their muscles and overall body structure continue to develop and mature until they are about two to three years old. By adulthood, their ears should curl at a bend of 90 to 180 degrees.

How long do American Curl cats live?

American Curl cats typically live 12 to 17 years. This lifespan is quite comparable to that of other cat breeds of similar size, such as the Abyssinian. 

Like other breeds, American Curl cats’ longevity is influenced by several factors. Genetics play a crucial role, with cats from healthier genetic lines tending to live longer. Regular veterinary care, including vaccinations, dental care, and routine check-ups, is essential for early identification, prevention, and treatment of health issues. A balanced diet is also crucial; you can begin transitioning your American Curl to adult food at 12 to 18 months, depending on their development, although you should consult with your vet to get individualized guidance on when to switch their diet. Exercise and mental stimulation are also important for maintaining a healthy weight and promoting mental well-being. Environmental factors, such as a safe and enriching living environment, also influence longevity.

What eye colors can an American Curl have?

American Curls can have a variety of eye colors, including blue, green, gold, yellow, amber, and copper. The most common eye colors for this breed are gold and green. The eye color can sometimes depend on the coat color and pattern, particularly in colorpoint varieties, which often have blue eyes. However, the breed standard allows for any eye color, making for a wide range of possible variations.

What color coats can American Curl cats have?

The most common coat colors of American Curl cats include black, white, red, orange, brown, cream, blue, and silver. These cats can also be long or short-haired, although long-haired is more prevalent, and the color of their coats can appear in various patterns such as solid, tabby, tortoiseshell, calico, bicolor, and colorpoint. 

The tabby pattern features stripes, swirls, or spots, while the tortoiseshell pattern is a mix of black and red or their dilute versions, blue and cream. The calico pattern is similar to a tortoiseshell pattern but with the addition of white patches, creating a tricolored appearance. Bicolor coats combine any color with white, which can be present on the chest, belly, legs, and face. Similar to the Siamese, the colorpoint pattern features darker colors on the ears, face, paws, and tail.

How big do American Curl cats get?

American Curl cats are a medium-sized breed. They can weigh five to 10 pounds and stand 10 to 12 inches tall. American Curl males typically weigh seven to 10 pounds, while mature females can reach five to eight pounds. 

This size range places them alongside breeds such as the Siamese, which usually weighs six to 12 pounds, and the Abyssinian, which typically weighs six to 10 pounds. Factors influencing the size of an American Curl cat include genetics, as larger parents often produce larger offspring, and nutrition, as a balanced diet rich in necessary nutrients supports optimal growth. Health also plays a significant role; cats who experience illness or poor health during their formative years may not reach their full potential size.

Do American Curls shed a lot?

No, American Curls don’t shed a lot, but they do shed lightly, so you’ll still find some fur around your home. Both the short and long-haired coats are silky and flat-lying with a lightweight and minimal undercoat.

In the spring, cats shed their thicker winter coat to prepare for warmer weather, while in the fall, they shed their lighter summer coat to make way for denser winter fur. During these periods, you might notice more fur around the house and an increase in grooming behavior. 

Do American Curls have health problems?

Yes, American Curls can have health problems that are genetically inherited, although they tend to be a robust and healthy breed. Some inherited conditions they may develop include:

  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD): This is a common condition in cats in which the kidneys gradually lose function over time, leading to issues such as dehydration, weight loss, and increased thirst and urination. It’s often managed through diet, medication, and routine check-ups to maintain quality of life.

  • Hyperthyroidism: This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormone, leading to symptoms like weight loss, increased appetite, and hyperactivity. Hyperthyroidism is more common in older, long-haired cats and can often be managed with medication, dietary changes, or, in some cases, surgery or radioactive iodine treatment.

  • Dental disease: Dental issues such as gingivitis and periodontal disease are common in cats and can lead to pain, difficulty eating, and tooth loss if not addressed. Consistent dental care — including brushing your cat’s teeth, providing dental treats or toys, and scheduling professional cleanings — is crucial for maintaining oral health.

  • Ear infections: Due to their unique curly ears, American Curls may be more prone to ear infections. The distinctive ear shape can sometimes trap debris and moisture, creating an environment conducive to infections. Weekly ear cleaning and inspections can help prevent infections. Prompt veterinary attention is necessary if you notice signs of an ear infection, such as scratching at the ears, discharge, or a foul odor.

  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): PRA is a genetic disorder that causes the gradual degeneration of the retina, leading to vision loss and, eventually, blindness. This condition is progressive, meaning it worsens over time. Bi-annual veterinary eye exams can help detect PRA early, and while there is no cure, managing the cat’s environment to accommodate their vision loss can improve their quality of life.

Routine check vet care, screenings, and early intervention can help prevent and manage these conditions, ensuring your American Curl lives a healthier and happier life. 

American Curl temperament

Learn about about the American Curl temperament and how well they fit into your lifestyle, home environment, and family.

Are American Curl cats good with dogs?

Yes, American Curl cats can be good with dogs and tend to enjoy playing and bonding with their canine companions. Their sociable and adaptable nature allows them to adjust well to living with canine companions. When introduced properly, American Curls often form positive relationships with dogs.

To ensure a successful introduction, it’s important to start by allowing the cat and dog to become familiar with each other’s scents. Gradual, supervised interactions in a neutral space can then help them get used to each other’s presence. Positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, should be used to reward calm and friendly behavior from both the cat and the dog.

Are American Curls good with other cats?

Yes, American Curls are typically good with other cats. Their friendly and social nature makes them well-suited to multi-cat households. They tend to be playful and enjoy interacting with their feline companions. The American Curl’s adaptable and easy-going temperament helps them get along well with other cats, making them a great choice for homes that already have other pets. 

Proper introductions and socialization are key to ensuring harmonious relationships between cats. Initially, it’s important to allow the new cat and the resident cats to become accustomed to each other’s scent. This can be achieved by keeping them in separate rooms and gradually exchanging bedding or toys.

Do American Curl cats meow a lot?

No, American Curl cats do not meow a lot compared to more talkative breeds such as the Siamese and Maine Coon. American Curls are a rather quiet breed, communicating in gentle trills rather than insistent meows.

Providing companionship, enrichment, and a safe and comfortable living environment can prevent excessive meowing from boredom or anxiety. If your American Curl is uncharacteristically meowing a lot, you may want to get them checked by your vet for possible underlying medical conditions.

Are American Curls affectionate?

Yes, American Curls are a notably affectionate breed. They are friendly, social cats who enjoy spending time with their human companions. American Curls are often described as people-oriented, forming strong bonds with their cat parents and displaying a loving and playful demeanor. They tend to be good with children, too, making them great family companions. Their affectionate personality, combined with their distinctive curled-back ears, makes them a beloved breed among cat enthusiasts.

Are American Curl cats good hunters?

Yes, American Curl cats can be good hunters due to the strong instinct for hunting in most cats, but American Curls weren’t bred for mousing. Unlike the American Shorthair, a breed with a history of being an effective mouser and working cat, the American Curl’s breeding has concentrated more on their unique appearance and friendly disposition. Consequently, while American Curls may still engage in hunting behaviors, they are not as driven by this instinct as breeds specifically developed as mousers.

Are American Curl cats good indoor cats?

Yes, American Curl cats are excellent indoor cats. Their friendly, affectionate, and people-oriented nature makes them well-suited to indoor living, where they can enjoy the safety and comfort of a home environment. American Curls thrive on human interaction and appreciate the attention and companionship that indoor living provides. 

While they are playful and curious, they can be well-satisfied with indoor enrichment like toys, climbing structures, and interactive playtime. They may also adjust well to wearing a harness if you’d like to take your American Curl on hikes or romps around the yard.

Are American Curls cuddly?

Yes, American Curls are a cuddly breed. Their friendly and sociable nature often leads them to seek out physical closeness with their people, whether it’s sitting on your lap, curling up next to you, or snuggling beside you on the couch. Thorough socialization and gentle handling from a young age can also encourage their cuddly nature. Their propensity for snuggling up is also a way for them to bond emotionally, making them particularly cherished as affectionate and loyal companions.

Are American Curl cats active?

Yes, American Curls are one of the most playful breeds, though they are not manic or hyperactive. With consistent enrichment, they can balance their playful side with periods of calm and relaxation, making them adaptable to a range of households. 

While American Curl cats enjoy active play, they are often equally content lounging in a cozy spot next to their human companions. Their moderate activity level allows them to thrive in both engaging and quiet environments, contributing to their appeal as adaptable and well-rounded feline buddies.

Can American Curl cats be left alone?

Yes, American Curl cats can be left alone, but ideally not for more than a few hours per day. American Curl cats, like many social and affectionate breeds, should not be left alone for extended periods. While they can tolerate being on their own for a few hours, they thrive on consistent interaction and companionship. 

If you work away from home, you may want to consider adopting two cat-friendly kitties to ensure their emotional well-being, provide consistent companionship while you’re away, and prevent potential behavioral issues stemming from boredom or loneliness.

Are American Curls smart?

Yes, American Curls are smart. Their intelligence is evident in their playful and curious nature. They’re quick learners and can easily pick up new tricks and cues, making them delightful companions for interactive games and mental stimulation. They’ve got a knack for solving problems, too, such as figuring out how to open doors, tackle puzzle toys, or get around new spaces.

Are American Curl cats clingy?

Yes, American Curl cats have a strongly people-oriented nature, which can sometimes be interpreted as clinginess. They thrive on human interaction and form strong bonds with their families. This enthusiastically affectionate trait often means they’ll follow you around the house, eager to be involved in whatever you’re doing. Their natural curiosity and desire to be part of the action make them attentive companions who enjoy staying close to their favorite humans.

American Curl health

Learn about about the American Curl health outlook and what diseases they may be prone to at various stages of their life.

Do you need to groom an American Curl cat?

Yes, you need to groom an American Curl cat, although the brushing requirements can change based on their coat type.

Short-haired American Curls’ grooming needs are quite minimal. Their sleek, plush fur tends to stay relatively tangle-free, so brushing once a week is usually sufficient. This helps to manage shedding and keeps their coat in top condition, but it’s generally a quick and easy task.

Long-haired American Curls, however, require a bit more attention. Their silky, flowing fur is prone to tangles and mats, so they benefit from more frequent brushing — ideally a few times a week. Routine brushing helps to prevent knots, reduces shedding, and keeps their coat looking its best. This also provides an opportunity to check for any skin issues or parasites.

Dental health is also crucial, so brushing their teeth a few times a week or providing dental treats can help prevent tartar buildup and maintain oral hygiene. Nail trimming is also important for cats who don’t adequately wear down their nails on scratching posts; in such cases, clipping their nails every one to two weeks will help keep them from becoming too long and causing discomfort or potential damage. Their uniquely curled ears should also be inspected and cleaned weekly. You can use a feline-safe cleaning solution and a damp cotton ball. 

Are American Curl cats hypoallergenic?

No, American Curl cats are not hypoallergenic. All cat breeds produce a protein called Fel d 1, which is found in their saliva, skin, and dander and is responsible for allergic responses in people. Some individuals and breeds, such as Balinese cats, may produce less of this protein, but American Curls produce an average amount of Fel d 1. 

If you’re considering bringing an American Curl into your home and have cat allergies, it’s a good idea to spend time with the breed first to see if you have any reactions. Additionally, regular grooming and maintaining a clean environment can help manage allergens, but they won’t eliminate them entirely.

American Curl history

Learn about where this American Curl came from!

What is the history of the American Curl?

The history of the American Curl cat breed starts in the early 1980s in Lakewood, California. In June 1981, a stray longhaired black female kitten with distinctive curled-back ears showed up on the doorstep of Joe and Grace Ruga. They took in the kitten and named her Shulamith.

Shulamith later gave birth to a litter of kittens, some of whom inherited her unique curled ears, indicating that this was a genetic mutation. Intrigued by this unusual trait, the Rugas began to research and reach out to cat fanciers and geneticists to understand more about the mutation. In the early 1980s, the Rugas and other enthusiasts started breeding programs to establish and preserve the curled ear trait, which was found to be a dominant gene (meaning that only one parent needed to have the curled ears for the trait to appear in the offspring).

The breed began to gain attention and popularity among cat enthusiasts, and in 1986, the International Cat Association (TICA) accepted the American Curl for registration, and in 1991, the breed achieved championship status. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) also recognized the American Curl in 1993.

Are American Curl cats rare?

Yes, American Curl cats are rare. This rarity is primarily due to their unique genetic mutation that causes their distinctive curled-back ears, which isn’t widespread among the feline population. Breeding American Curls requires careful genetic management to preserve the ear-curling trait while ensuring the cats’ overall health, limiting the number of breeders and thus limiting the number of American Curls available for adoption in shelters and rescues.

Find American Curl kittens near you

Adopting an American Curl

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