by Kelly Villa, | January 11, 2024
Lucas Ottone / Stocksy
You can stop a dog from begging by never rewarding the behavior — not with a snack, attention, or whatever else the dog is after. Don’t give your dog what they want until they have stopped begging and obeyed a simple command, such as “sit” or “no.”
It might seem hard to believe, but you can teach your dog to stop begging, and it’s easier than you might think. Consistency and patience are key — never give in to the pleading. Puppy dog eyes are hard to resist, especially from your own four-legged family members. Rewarding begging, however, is never a good idea.
That’s fine (as long as you’ve verified the food is safe for dogs), but you shouldn’t give it to them while they’re begging. Instead, wait for your dog to stop and then put the food in their normal bowl. That way they get their treat, but they won’t associate the special food with their skills as a beggar.
Another way to help your dog learn to have some manners is to make them work for what they want. For example, put their food in the bowl, but don’t allow them to eat until they sit. This will teach them that doing something good, like sitting quietly, leads to a reward.
Completely ignoring your dog when they are begging is the simplest way to ensure you’re not encouraging the behavior. When they’re begging, they are ignored. Only when they stop will they once again earn your attention.
Your food may look delicious, but most dogs will be happily distracted pretty easily. Fill a stuff-able toy with peanut butter, and they may forget all about your dinner — and that toy will keep them occupied for most of your meal.
Begging may seem cute, but it’s not a behavior you want to encourage. Instead, reward proper conduct and mold your dog into a well-behaved pet.
Kelly Villa is a freelance writer and contributor to various pet publications.
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