HomeBehavior & trainingIs It Okay To Leave A Dog Alone Overnight?

Is It Okay To Leave A Dog Alone Overnight?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024

Is It Okay To Leave A Dog Alone Overnight?

Karolina Grabowska / Kaboompics

If your dog is trained and relaxed when left alone, it may be okay to leave your dog alone overnight. It is important that if you are gone for an extended period of time that your dog has the ability to go to the bathroom as needed. Generally speaking, your pet shouldn’t be alone for more than four to six hours without a break. It your dog experiences anxiety when left alone or is not trained to spend time alone in the house, it is advisable to hire a pet sitter to stay with your dog.

Tips for leaving a dog overnight with a sitter 

Spending the night away from your pup for the first time can be a little anxiety-inducing. Try these tips to make both you and your dog feel more comfortable:  

Meet with the dog sitter in advance

This is especially important if your dog is nervous around strangers. Have the dog sitter come to your house while you are there to meet your dog. This will make your dog more comfortable when the sitter comes to stay and give you peace of mind that your dog will be in good hands.

Tire them out

One of the best things you can do before leaving your dog is to exercise them. A nice run or brisk walk before you leave will tucker your dog out, reduce anxiety, and make them more likely to snooze while you’re gone.

Provide fun toys

Treat puzzles and chew toys will help pass the time and keep your dog stimulated.    

Leaving your dog overnight may be an option for very well-behaved and relaxed dogs. If this doesn’t sound like your pup, you should have someone come over to spend the night with your dog. This will not only give you peace of mind, but also bring comfort to your pup while you’re away. 

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