
Does Cinnamon Keep Dogs From Digging?

Can this kitchen staple actually stop dogs from digging?

by Kelly Villa, | January 13, 2025

Does Cinnamon Keep Dogs From Digging?

Michar Peppenster / Shutterstock

So, does cinnamon actually keep dogs from digging? Well, not really. While some websites suggest it as a home remedy to prevent digging, the truth is that cinnamon’s smell might not be enough to stop most dogs from digging. Sure, some dogs dislike the scent, but it’s usually not a strong enough deterrent to change digging behavior. And just a heads-up: if you do want to give cinnamon a shot, skip the essential oil variant — it’s toxic for dogs.

Tips to prevent a dog from digging

While cinnamon probably won’t bring great results, there are many other things you can try to keep dogs from digging. Dogs dig because it’s fun, to try to escape, to keep cool, or because they are hunting. If you can figure out why your dog is digging, you’ll have a leg up in searching for a solution. Here are a few things to try:

  • Don’t leave your dog alone outside for long periods.

  • Make sure your pet gets plenty of physical exercise.

  • Provide plenty of toys to keep your dog entertained.

  • Ensure your dog has proper shelter and a cool spot to hide out from the sun.

  • If you notice signs of burrowing pests in your yard, such as gophers, call a humane exterminator to have them safely removed.

  • If your dog is digging near your fence, they are likely trying to escape. Secure the area around the fence by adding chicken wire or halfway burying rocks around the perimeter until you find a way to curb the digging.

Still want to try cinnamon? 

If you Google it, you’ll definitely find pet parents swearing by cinnamon as a digging deterrent. But honestly? Even if it works for your dog, good luck getting enough cinnamon sprinkled around your whole yard to make a dent. Also, while some of the online advice includes promoting the use of essential oils — just nope. That stuff is super toxic for your dog, so please, don't risk it.

Kelly Villa

Kelly Villa

Kelly Villa is a freelance writer and contributor to various pet publications.