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Mello 25 YO DYHA PrefersLadies
Ben The Blue Throat Macaw
African Grey -Mandela
African Grey
4 African Greys available
2- Tame African Greys Bonnie a
Coming 04 09 Reggie Quaker 1YO
Parakeet - Quaker
Max & Paddy- Dynamic Duo
Dusty the Umbrella Cockatoo
Ruby - Scarlet macaw
Layla 6 YO Female Quaker
12 Year Old F Scarlet Macaw
Under 2 YO Greenwing Macaw EVA
Frosty The Umbrella Cockatoo
Odie Blue Quaker 4MLADIES
Carmen The Sun Conure
Sunkist The Sun Conure
Sunny The Sun Conure
Keisha Blue & Gold Macaw
Shirley The Pink Female Parake
Parakeet - Other
Jack And Jill 2 lovebirds
More Available after 11 28 18
Harley The Blue & Gold Macaw
Mang Specl Y Sided Counre
Hilarious Horus - African Grey
Chaz The Quaker Parrot
Chicka’ The African Grey
CODY Goffins Cockatoo 4 MEN
Birdie the Quaker
Norma/Jean F10 YO African Grey
Larry The Nandy Conure
Avery The African Grey
12 YO African Grey Lorelei
Amelia The 11 Years Young Gree
Haylen F African Grey
All of Our Parrots