(when grown) Large 61-100 lbs (28-45 kg)
Good with kids,
Good with dogs,
Not good with cats,
Spayed or Neutered,
Shots are up-to-date,
Meet Chip! He is an approximately 2 year old, male, Black German Shepherd mix that weighs 58lbs. He was found in Buffalo Creek on 10/21/2024 and never reclaimed. He can be a bit timid at first but he has had his heart broken before, so he will need some time to warm up to a new family! He walks well on a leash and knows a few basic commands. He will need someone with time and patience to help him come out of his shell and become the best pet he can be! Chip is not currently suggested with children under 16 years old. Chip loves to be around his people and enjoys keeping busy! If you have another dog in the home, a meet and greet is encouraged to make sure they get along. Chip has been searching for his furr ever home for 91 days as of 01/20/2025 and is now considered a Diamond Dog! His adoption fee is $75. Chip is neutered, microchipped, current rabies vaccination, basic boosters, and heartworm negative. If you are interested in making Chip the newest member of your home, please visit to fill out an application and RAC staff will be in touch with next steps! All animals, unless otherwise noted in their description, are at 1825 Airport Rd. in Rockwall, TX. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9 am to 6 pm and Saturdays 9 am to 5 pm. For questions, please call 972-771-7750 ext. 2 or email IMPORTANT NOTICE: All shelter animals are required by Texas state law to be spayed/neutered. RAC completes this procedure at the age of 12 weeks. If you are adopting a pet under the age of 12 weeks or an animal that has not yet been spayed or neutered, you will be required to return the pet to our facility on the agreed upon date set at the time of adoption. This policy is non-negotiable and violation of this health code is a criminal offense. January 24, 2025, 7:42 pm