(when grown) -
Louie and Leonard are shy and it takes some time to get their trust. But once you win them over, they are very affectionate and and love your attention. Being long-haired they love getting brushed and even offer their bellies. Their lions manes look gorgeous, but even with plenty of brushing their hair is going to be everywhere. They like to cuddle next to you instead of your lap and don`t like to be carried. Both are very jealous when only one of them gets attention and they`ll push each other out of the way of your hand.Any noise or unexpected movement can send them back into hiding, but Louie listens to his name and he`ll come out of hiding when called. Leonard will immediately follow, but will never come out first. Even when given food, they won`t come out of hiding, but calling Louie will bring them both and one of them will eat while the other gets your undivided attention and then they`ll switch.They like to play, but in a kind of lazy way. They prefer not to jump and run, but will catch a string or toy that is thrown their way. Both are very considerate with their claws and never scratch a player. But look at those enormous paws, they`ll grow up to be very large cats.Pets are complex beings and prior to adoption, interested adopters will be counseled by a staff member to discuss the specific needs for each animal. This will include reviewing all known medical and behavior information. ** Please note that some animals will receive numerous inquiries, sometimes more than we can process. We appreciate your understanding and patience. HOW TO ADOPT: Check the animal’s location.From Cat Adoption/Cattery/Free Roaming Room (in shelter):To meet this cat please come to Seattle Animal Shelter at 2061 15th Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119, between 1 – 5 pm one of on one of our open days, no appointment needed. We are open on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We are closed for adoptions on Monday, Friday, and all holidays. You can fill out a survey in advance and bring it with you: From Foster Care (out of shelter): 1. Copy and paste the adoption survey link into a new tab on your browser: 2. Download and complete the cat survey. 3. Save the survey to your device with a new file name that includes your last name. Make sure it`s filled in when opened again. 4. Put the name of the cat(s) in the Subject Line of a new email. Attach your survey, add any a