Adopt A Nebelung

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Adopting a Nebelung

Frequently asked questions about acquiring an Nebelung - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.

Adopting a Nebelung from a shelter or rescue organization typically costs $50 to $150. This adoption fee normally covers microchipping, a basic exam, vaccines, preventatives, and spay/neuter. Conversely, buying a Nebelung from a breeder often costs $600 to $1,500.

The easiest way to adopt a Nebelung is through a shelter or cat-oriented rescue. Since they’re a rare breed, you may need to look beyond your local area. A great place to start is with a breed search on Adopt a Pet, which will show you all the available Nebelungs in your search radius.

Nebelung fun facts

Fun Facts:

Nebelungs are a rare breed, even their name will tell you as much. Nebelung means "creature of the mist" in German.

If it you didn't know any better, you might think Nebelungs were actually dogs. They are known to accept leash training and enjoy outdoor walks.

Nebelungs are known for their shyness around strangers. If it's time to have company over, your Nebelung will likely be found hiding under the bed.

Nebelung hero photo

Nebelung Breed Guide

Before you adopt, learn everything about Nebelung types to temperament and health issues to popular Nebelung mixes in our Breed 101 Guides.