If you buy a Corgi puppy from a breeder, you should expect to pay up to $3,500.
Corgi Basset Hound
Female, 1 yr 6 mos
Columbus, OH
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If you buy a Corgi puppy from a breeder, you should expect to pay up to $3,500.
From a breeder, Corgis can cost between $600 to $3,500, though some have been sold for as much as $2000, depending on the breeder’s location and the quality of the breed. Cardigan Welsh Corgis are more expensive because they are rarer than the Pembroke.
You can adopt a Corgi on Adopt a Pet from a local animal shelter or rescue for much less than it would cost to purchase one from a breeder. An adoption fee for a Corgi will usually be a few hundred dollars, which helps to cover the cost of caring for a Corgi prior to adoption.
The easiest way to adopt a Corgi would be through a rescue that specializes in Corgis. A great place to start would be by starting a breed search on Adopt a Pet. The search will show you all the available Corgis in your area.
If you adopt your Corgi from a rescue, you should expect your first year to cost anywhere from $420 to $3,270, depending on training, health care needs, and supplies.