location: Oshkosh, WI
Hi!!! I'm Buckie Chugger, but my fostermom calls me Buckie! She also calls me a
little imp, whatever that means! I love to play with my sisters, the cat, people and anything that isn't nailed down! I use my potty pads really well, and am a good little boy. I know what "no" means (even though sometimes I don't like to listen to it), and I know how to come when fostermomma calls. I have really long legs and can run fast!!!! For my photo album please
click here. My sisters have short legs, so I out-run them all the time! hehehee! I love to play, play, play, but when I get tired, all I want to do is cuddle in a people lap! I talk to my people also, so fostermomma sometimes also calls me a little rawr rawr, cause that is what I tell her. I was born in Chattanooga (TN) on November 6th, with 2 sisters. My momma is a Rat Terrier and my daddy is a Chihuahua. When I got old enough to travel without my doggie momma, I moved to Oshkosh (WI), and now am waiting for the perfect forever home! I am about 8 pounds right now, and should not get really big, so I will always be the perfect little lap dog size! Can I come live with you????