location: Oshkosh, WI
My name is Lizzie Cally, but everyone calls me Lizzie. I was born on November 6th, 2012 with my brother and sister, in Tennessee. My momma is a Rat Terrier and my daddy is a Chihuahua, so I am not going to be really big. My fostermomma says I am the "runt" of the litter, but I don't know what that means; maybe that I am the littlest one, and of course the cutest too! For my photo album please
click here. I have a long body but really short legs right now, and lots of wrinkles to grow into! I'm only about 6 pounds right now, but I'll grow! I am small, but I am also tough! I love to wrestle and play fight with my siblings, and with the other doggies in my foster home! I also like to chase the kitty, to play with him (when he doesn't mind). Fostermomma says I am the toughest one of the bunch! Gotta be tough around here though! hehehehee! I use the potty pads in the house, cause it is
waaay too cold to go outside here in Wisconsin, where I am waiting for my forever home. I went outside a few times, but it is much colder now, so I don't like it! I want to be the Princess of the House, and am looking for a forever home of my very own that I can rule! I promise to repay you with lots of loving and puppy kisses!!! I love to kiss and cuddle too! Will you take me home please?