My basic info
Standard (when grown)
Here's what the humans have to say about me:
Angelina & J.Lo are a very bonded couple, calm and well behaved. Angelina (orange) is a 3 yr old female, a cross of lionhead with Jersey Wooley. She does a great job grooming herself, she does not need any brushing. Very people friendly. When young and put in a harness with a bell, she would jump like a fairy to make her bell ring. J.Lo (gray) is a 4 yr old lionhead female. She talks all the time you pet her, like she has an on/off button. She was left behind in a hotel room, and her rescuer paired her up with Angelina a couple of years ago. She's a little bit shy yet very people friendly. She had 1 litter of babies when she was young, and she has also fostered a litter. She is curious and has a beautiful personality. They are both very social, and have successfully joined a bunny group. They are very calm and peaceful, do not fight nor instigate conflict.
We replace any bunny adopted from us, if it does not fit in the new home.