Keaton is a 4 year old, female, 106 lb., purebred, Landseer Newfoundland. She and her daughter Marley came to us because their family had health issues and could no longer take care of them. She was previously an outdoor dog and her coat was badly matted and stained so she had to be shaved. She is learning to live the life of luxury indoors and enjoying it. She still needs some work on minor issues such as counter surfing but she is learning quickly. She is a very affectionate girl and she loves toys. She normally has 10-15 toys out of the toy box lying around the house and she just can’t understand why they have to be put away. She gets along well with other dogs and her foster home has a bird she doesn’t bother. She likes to chase cats and squirrels.
Keaton is on medical hold because she is being treated for heartworm. When she is heartworm clear she will be spayed and ready for her forever home. Otherwise she is healthy and up to date on vaccinations. She will be heartworm free, on heartworm preventative and spayed before she goes to her forever home.
Our adoption fee is $250.00. A fenced yard with a minimum height of 4-feet is required for adoption.
If you plan on submitting an application and you are out of our region, once your application is approved we require that you come to our area to meet the dog and foster family. If that goes well you will be able to take your Newfie home with you.
To request an application or contact us with any questions please use the email link in the contact info. below.
To see more Newfoundland rescues or to learn more about our rescue program please use our website link in the contact info. below.
To learn more about the Newfoundland breed click on the Newfoundland Club of America link below.