***Please note: This is not a Critter Connection dog. This is a courtesy listing and all inquiries will be forwarded to the current owner.***
Max is a 12 year old German Shepherd. He is 75 lbs and housebroken. Max is a beautiful dog and in very good health. He just received a clean bill of health from the vet and is current on all of his vaccinations. He isn't plagued by the hip problems that are common to his breed.
Max will fit best in a home without children because he hasn't really lived with them. He has spent some time with them and has never been a threat. He was around a cat when he was much younger.
Max has been through a lot this past few months. His life-long companion and caregiver is now very sick and is no longer living with Max. He was so very good to her, they lived alone together and he was a very loyal friend and guardian. They once traveled across country and had a wonderful time visiting family. No one in our family is able to keep Max, most of us live in Utah, he is alone, and staying outdoors. He is very sad and lonely and desperately needs someone he can love and protect. Max needs your love and care. Please see his pictures and find a place in your home and heart for this beautiful, loyal, loving companion.
Please consider giving an older gentleman a place to retire and be spoiled. : )
Please contact Critter Connection at the e-mail address or phone number listed below.
***Please note: This is not a Critter Connection dog. This is a courtesy listing and all inquiries will be forwarded to the current owner.***