#A5679767 Pup is a sweet and affectionate young dog with the most adorable small floppy ears! He looks like he’s mostly German Shepherd and those ears suggest there could be another breed in his family tree. His happy go lucky personality shines once he’s out in the yard and he loves having some time to run around and socialize with people. An active home where he gets lots of playtime, exercise and attention would be perfect for this youngster!
- sure to brighten your day with a big happy smile
- seemed curious about the dog in the next yard and eager to play
- already knows sit and will give paw
- takes treats gently
- about 1 ½ years and about 50 pounds
- came to the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center on February 15
- neutered and ready to go home!
PUP’S VIDEO: https://youtube.com/shorts/hEe74A_x5l4
For more information, contact volunteer Lor at lor@unitedhopeforanimals.org
United Hope for Animals (UHA) is a volunteer group and does not have a facility for animals. This pet is part of our Shelter Support Program at the Baldwin Park Shelter. For more information about the pet, the adoption process, or our program please contact the Volunteer Adoption Coordinator listed above.
Because animals are adopted/rescued daily, please also check the United Hope for Animals Facebook page to see if an animal is still available OR call the Baldwin Park Shelter at 626-962-3577. When inquiring about an animal, please reference the animal’s ID number. This will enable the volunteer or Baldwin Park employee to locate the status of the pet. Thank you for supporting rescue.
#A5679767 Pup is a sweet and affectionate young dog with the most adorable small floppy ears! He looks like he’s mostly German Shepherd and those ears suggest there could be another breed in his family tree. His happy go lucky personality shines once he’s out in the yard and he loves having some time to run around and socialize with people. An active home where he gets lots of playtime, exercise and attention would be perfect for this youngster!
- sure to brighten your day with a big happy smile
- seemed curious about the dog in the next yard and eager to play
- already knows sit and will give paw
- takes treats gently
- about 1 ½ years and about 50 pounds
- came to the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center on February 15
- neutered and ready to go home!
PUP’S VIDEO: https://youtube.com/shorts/hEe74A_x5l4
For more information, contact volunteer Lor at lor@unitedhopeforanimals.org
United Hope for Animals (UHA) is a volunteer group and does not have a facility for animals. This pet is part of our Shelter Support Program at the Baldwin Park Shelter. For more information about the pet, the adoption process, or our program please contact the Volunteer Adoption Coordinator listed above.
Because animals are adopted/rescued daily, please also check the United Hope for Animals Facebook page to see if an animal is still available OR call the Baldwin Park Shelter at 626-962-3577. When inquiring about an animal, please reference the animal’s ID number. This will enable the volunteer or Baldwin Park employee to locate the status of the pet. Thank you for supporting rescue.