Hi, I'm Bosco! -- -- Here is some information about me: -- -- I like to take treats from your hand. -- I'm a great bunny for calm households. -- -- I am: -- brave, dominant, friendly, lazy, litter box trained, nervous, shy, -- -- I like: -- to explore, to play, -- Nova and Bosco are two curious little Polish dwarfs who came from the same hoarder as KathyAnn and ChrissyPoo. -- -- -- -- Bosco is the brown boy bun and Nova is the black/white lady bun. Both buns are a little shy but with a little effort they are sure to become your best friend. -- -- These two are endlessly curious about everything, and it's been a joy to watch them flourish. From their humble beginnings in tiny cages to now having roomy pens where they can finally hop, explore, and enjoy life—it's a transformation worth celebrating! -- -- -- -- Do you want to add to the celebration by giving them their forever home? Apply here! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bonded to Nova -- Apply for Bosco at https://rabbitangelsrabbitrescue.com/forms/adoption_app.php?bunname=Bosco Our adoption fee is $120 for a single and $180 for a bonded pair. All adoptions are subject to approval and acceptance of terms. Not all persons will be approved. Upon approval a 50% non-refundable deposit is required for adoption commitments before a rabbit will be held. You will need to have the housing area all set up and ready for the rabbit to move in.
Hi, I'm Bosco! -- -- Here is some information about me: -- -- I like to take treats from your hand. -- I'm a great bunny for calm households. -- -- I am: -- brave, dominant, friendly, lazy, litter box trained, nervous, shy, -- -- I like: -- to explore, to play, -- Nova and Bosco are two curious little Polish dwarfs who came from the same hoarder as KathyAnn and ChrissyPoo. -- -- -- -- Bosco is the brown boy bun and Nova is the black/white lady bun. Both buns are a little shy but with a little effort they are sure to become your best friend. -- -- These two are endlessly curious about everything, and it's been a joy to watch them flourish. From their humble beginnings in tiny cages to now having roomy pens where they can finally hop, explore, and enjoy life—it's a transformation worth celebrating! -- -- -- -- Do you want to add to the celebration by giving them their forever home? Apply here! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bonded to Nova -- Apply for Bosco at https://rabbitangelsrabbitrescue.com/forms/adoption_app.php?bunname=Bosco Our adoption fee is $120 for a single and $180 for a bonded pair. All adoptions are subject to approval and acceptance of terms. Not all persons will be approved. Upon approval a 50% non-refundable deposit is required for adoption commitments before a rabbit will be held. You will need to have the housing area all set up and ready for the rabbit to move in.
Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue, or RARR, is a small team that is dedicated to helping domestic rabbits that may otherwise be in danger or abandoned. We are a State of Michigan Registered 501c3 Non-Profit organization.
Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue, or RARR, is a small team that is dedicated to helping domestic rabbits that may otherwise be in danger or abandoned. We are a State of Michigan Registered 501c3 Non-Profit organization.
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