Posted 1 month ago
Hi, I’m O’Malley. I had a home at one time but found myself living outside until a kind person brought me to SBACC when I was about two years old. I was very shy and wouldn’t come out of my cubby to meet people, so I remained at SBACC for about 14 months until I was adopted by a really nice man who had a 14-year-old female cat who had just lost two lifetime feline friends and needed a buddy. He called me Buddy, but I never really responded to it. I was about three years old and weighed around 21 pounds when I was adopted. I tried to make friends with my new sister, who weighed only 12 pounds. She was not having any of it, even though she was acting lonely after losing her older buddies. Part of the problem was that I was full of energy and wanted to play and run around. After nearly two years, things got to the point where the other cat just wouldn’t accept me, and my Dad decided that returning me to SBACC was the best thing for both of us. He was very sad about this, and there are some things he would like you to know about me. When he adopted me, I hid for about two weeks until I felt safe. Then I started one of my favorite things, which is rubbing against your leg while wrapping my tail around your leg while purring and then running through the house as fast as I could. Once I settled in, I became your typical orange cat, acting the clown and exploring every inch of the home. I am very smart and can open cabinets and drawers, and I like to sit on the couch with my human, watching TV, mostly the Nature Channel, until a big cat comes on the screen and scares me. I like to be petted on my head, back, throat, and chest, but I am not a fan of having my belly rubbed except on occasions when I fall asleep on the couch next to my human and will roll over for just a few strokes. My Dad said I am a great cat and need a home where I will be given time to get accustomed to the new surroundings. He thinks I need a home with another young cat to play with, but I would probably be OK as an only cat if I get lots of attention and play time from my family.
Hi, I’m O’Malley. I had a home at one time but found myself living outside until a kind person brought me to SBACC when I was about two years old. I was very shy and wouldn’t come out of my cubby to meet people, so I remained at SBACC for about 14 months until I was adopted by a really nice man who had a 14-year-old female cat who had just lost two lifetime feline friends and needed a buddy. He called me Buddy, but I never really responded to it. I was about three years old and weighed around 21 pounds when I was adopted. I tried to make friends with my new sister, who weighed only 12 pounds. She was not having any of it, even though she was acting lonely after losing her older buddies. Part of the problem was that I was full of energy and wanted to play and run around. After nearly two years, things got to the point where the other cat just wouldn’t accept me, and my Dad decided that returning me to SBACC was the best thing for both of us. He was very sad about this, and there are some things he would like you to know about me. When he adopted me, I hid for about two weeks until I felt safe. Then I started one of my favorite things, which is rubbing against your leg while wrapping my tail around your leg while purring and then running through the house as fast as I could. Once I settled in, I became your typical orange cat, acting the clown and exploring every inch of the home. I am very smart and can open cabinets and drawers, and I like to sit on the couch with my human, watching TV, mostly the Nature Channel, until a big cat comes on the screen and scares me. I like to be petted on my head, back, throat, and chest, but I am not a fan of having my belly rubbed except on occasions when I fall asleep on the couch next to my human and will roll over for just a few strokes. My Dad said I am a great cat and need a home where I will be given time to get accustomed to the new surroundings. He thinks I need a home with another young cat to play with, but I would probably be OK as an only cat if I get lots of attention and play time from my family.