Posted over 18 years ago
Thanks for reading about Chloe. Her description is here for the sole purpose of raising money to pay for her surgery. She is not available for adoption at this time, so please do not call with questions about her. Thank you so much for caring and donating whatever amount of money you can afford at this time.
"Hi, my name is Chloe. Everybody tells me I'm adorable, what do you think? I was born on 1/2/06 and broke my little elbow just being a crazy little puppy. My owner couldn’t afford the surgery, so they were going to euthanize me. I don’t know what that means, but my foster mommy was very upset about it. The rescue organization, C.A.R.E.S., rescued me, and rushed me to a specialist for my surgery. It cost them $1800. If you can give any amount of money to help pay for my surgery, I would be very grateful. I cannot wait until I can run and play like I used to! I will be available for adoption sometime in June after my leg is healed and I am spayed, so watch for my new description……………Thank you!”
Saving Chloe’s life was an easy decision for C.A.R.E.S., but paying for the extraordinary expense puts a strain on their financial resources. If you can donate any amount of money to help pay for Chloe’s surgery, it would be very much appreciated. You can either pay with a credit card by clicking on the button above and paying through PayPal or you can mail a donation to C.A.R.E.S. at 7280 260th Street, Wyoming, MN 55092. THANK YOU so much for caring about dear little Chloe!