This stunning girl is Lucy - she was surrendered to our rescue when her owners work schedule no longer provided her with the time to care for her. Lucy is currently 5 years old and 95lbs. She is both house trained and crate trained. She previously has been around babies and small children, and she did very well with them. She is an energetic dog that would benefit from a home that is willing to provide proper exercise and stimulation for her. Lucy is a super smart dog that has a "bell" to let her people know he needs (to go out, water, etc).
Breed experience is required for Lucy.
Apply to adopt LUCY NJ at
This stunning girl is Lucy - she was surrendered to our rescue when her owners work schedule no longer provided her with the time to care for her. Lucy is currently 5 years old and 95lbs. She is both house trained and crate trained. She previously has been around babies and small children, and she did very well with them. She is an energetic dog that would benefit from a home that is willing to provide proper exercise and stimulation for her. Lucy is a super smart dog that has a "bell" to let her people know he needs (to go out, water, etc).
Breed experience is required for Lucy.
Apply to adopt LUCY NJ at