Meet Little Man, a 3-year-old, 18 lb Dachshund-Beagle mix with a heart as big as his name. This sweet boy has had a rough start in life, having lived in a tent with his previous owner in Kentucky. Unfortunately, his owner could no longer care for him, and Little Man found himself surrendered to a local shelter and on the euthanasia list. Thankfully, Peace4Paws stepped in, recognizing the sparkle in his eyes and the loving potential in his heart, so we knew we had to scoop him up!
Little Man is a happy, tail-wagging companion who adores people and gets along well with other dogs. While he’s great with everyone, he tends to do best with female dogs if there are other dogs in the home. Despite his past, he has a zest for life and deserves the kind of fun, loving home where he can shine. He’s up to date on all vaccines and ready to find a forever family that will match his joyful personality.
If you’re ready to give Little Man the happy ending he truly deserves, apply for adoption today at He can't wait to start his new chapter with you.
If you have specific adoption or foster questions, please email:
25% of dogs in shelters are pure bred - that's 1 in 4!
Meet Little Man, a 3-year-old, 18 lb Dachshund-Beagle mix with a heart as big as his name. This sweet boy has had a rough start in life, having lived in a tent with his previous owner in Kentucky. Unfortunately, his owner could no longer care for him, and Little Man found himself surrendered to a local shelter and on the euthanasia list. Thankfully, Peace4Paws stepped in, recognizing the sparkle in his eyes and the loving potential in his heart, so we knew we had to scoop him up!
Little Man is a happy, tail-wagging companion who adores people and gets along well with other dogs. While he’s great with everyone, he tends to do best with female dogs if there are other dogs in the home. Despite his past, he has a zest for life and deserves the kind of fun, loving home where he can shine. He’s up to date on all vaccines and ready to find a forever family that will match his joyful personality.
If you’re ready to give Little Man the happy ending he truly deserves, apply for adoption today at He can't wait to start his new chapter with you.
If you have specific adoption or foster questions, please email:
25% of dogs in shelters are pure bred - that's 1 in 4!