Say hello to Franklin - an affectionate, playful boy who is almost 1 year old and weighs 16 lbs. Franklin delights his family with his antics and silliness. He brings joy wherever he goes. This sweet, young pup is house-trained (as long as he has a routine and regular opportunities to potty outside), walks nicely on a leash, and loves all the humans he meets. He also gets along with the other dogs in his foster home and often tries to engage them in a game of tug or trading squeaky toys. Franklin still has some puppy tendencies, especially chewing on things he shouldn't, so his foster family makes sure to have appropriate chew toys and bully sticks for him.
Franklin would love to have a family who will give him regular exercise with another younger dog as a playmate, along with someone who is home at least part of the day (he is not a big fan of being left alone, especially in a crate). Please visit this link for more photos of this special boy: .
Our adoption fee is $200 for adult dogs or $250 for puppies under 6 months old.
If you are interested in adopting this dog, PLEASE READ THE DETAILED ADOPTION PROCESS information on our website at www. From there, you can access our adoption application or contact our Adoption Team for more info.
Say hello to Franklin - an affectionate, playful boy who is almost 1 year old and weighs 16 lbs. Franklin delights his family with his antics and silliness. He brings joy wherever he goes. This sweet, young pup is house-trained (as long as he has a routine and regular opportunities to potty outside), walks nicely on a leash, and loves all the humans he meets. He also gets along with the other dogs in his foster home and often tries to engage them in a game of tug or trading squeaky toys. Franklin still has some puppy tendencies, especially chewing on things he shouldn't, so his foster family makes sure to have appropriate chew toys and bully sticks for him.
Franklin would love to have a family who will give him regular exercise with another younger dog as a playmate, along with someone who is home at least part of the day (he is not a big fan of being left alone, especially in a crate). Please visit this link for more photos of this special boy: .
Our adoption fee is $200 for adult dogs or $250 for puppies under 6 months old.
If you are interested in adopting this dog, PLEASE READ THE DETAILED ADOPTION PROCESS information on our website at www. From there, you can access our adoption application or contact our Adoption Team for more info.