Rudi is a very sweet, playful 11 week old poodle mix puppy. His foster mom says he has done well in just 3 weeks. He goes on pee pads and everytime he is brought out to backyard. He gobbles his 3 meals a day as he was underweight. He steals shoes, cat beds, eye glasses, magazines... and carries them off to chew! But keeping things out of reach and substituting chew toys solves that.
Rudi is a very sweet, playful 11 week old poodle mix puppy. His foster mom says he has done well in just 3 weeks. He goes on pee pads and everytime he is brought out to backyard. He gobbles his 3 meals a day as he was underweight. He steals shoes, cat beds, eye glasses, magazines... and carries them off to chew! But keeping things out of reach and substituting chew toys solves that.