If you met Crown Prince for the first time today, you would have never guessed what this 6 month old boy has been through. Prince as we call him was found abandoned at a car wash in a wire crate. He was cold, wet and broken. His bottom jaw was barely hanging on and his front underarm was torn. By the look of his injuries, our vet suspects he was possibly left in a crate way too long and tried to get himself out, hence injuring himself in the process. For your comfort and respect we will not share the dramatic pictures. Trust us when we say it was a horrible sight. From that day forward, Prince never shed a tear, never cried out in pain or showed any signs of discomfort. In fact, he was wagging his tail the entire time. THIS PUPPY WAS RESILIENT AND A FIGHTER!! Week after week for bandage changes he was a happy little puppy.
Fast forward to today, Prince has been medically cleared to be adopted. Yayyyyy!!!
He is a typical puppy who loves everyone, even the outside cats. We are still working on potty training but it’s going well. He does not know how to ask to go out but he does know how to use the doggy door. He has some major separation anxiety so he would do best in a home where he’s not left alone. He currently sleeps in a kennel next to his foster mom’s bed. He loves car rides and he does well on a leash.
As Prince ages, he will need regular follow ups with his vet to determine if any further medical is needed to correct any issues that may arise with his jaw. Our vet had to remove part of the bottom jaw to repair the damage so he does have an overbite. It hasn’t affected his eating and drinking abilities.
Print is quite the cuddle bug. He LOVES snuggling like a rabbit next to his person. Or he loves to sleep on your lap. As long as he is close to his person he’s a happy dog. His favorite spot in the house (when he’s on on your lap) is in front of the fireplace. If you are interested in adopting this super special boy, fill out an application at www.beourpet.org/adoptions.php
We are on all social media at @umbrellaofhope and we invite you to follow us and share which helps more people see and adopt our pets.
To help our ALL VOLUNTEER team rescue more senior, special needs, medically needy and hospice animals (and a few 'typical' ones along the way, please consider making a tax-deductible (TAX ID 45-4103375) donation online at www.paypal.me/UOH or Venmo @umbrellaof-hoperescue or Zelle beourpet@gmail.com.
You can also buy tees, tanks. sweatshirts, hats and bandannas where all proceeds benefit our animals https://ruff-life-rescue-wear.myshopify.com/collections/umbrella-of-hope
We also have an Etsy store where the merchandise is made by volunteers and supporters, changes regularly and 100% of the proceeds benefit our medical fund https://www.etsy.com/shop/Umbrellaofhope
Amazon Wish List tinyurl.com/pineapplewish
If you met Crown Prince for the first time today, you would have never guessed what this 6 month old boy has been through. Prince as we call him was found abandoned at a car wash in a wire crate. He was cold, wet and broken. His bottom jaw was barely hanging on and his front underarm was torn. By the look of his injuries, our vet suspects he was possibly left in a crate way too long and tried to get himself out, hence injuring himself in the process. For your comfort and respect we will not share the dramatic pictures. Trust us when we say it was a horrible sight. From that day forward, Prince never shed a tear, never cried out in pain or showed any signs of discomfort. In fact, he was wagging his tail the entire time. THIS PUPPY WAS RESILIENT AND A FIGHTER!! Week after week for bandage changes he was a happy little puppy.
Fast forward to today, Prince has been medically cleared to be adopted. Yayyyyy!!!
He is a typical puppy who loves everyone, even the outside cats. We are still working on potty training but it’s going well. He does not know how to ask to go out but he does know how to use the doggy door. He has some major separation anxiety so he would do best in a home where he’s not left alone. He currently sleeps in a kennel next to his foster mom’s bed. He loves car rides and he does well on a leash.
As Prince ages, he will need regular follow ups with his vet to determine if any further medical is needed to correct any issues that may arise with his jaw. Our vet had to remove part of the bottom jaw to repair the damage so he does have an overbite. It hasn’t affected his eating and drinking abilities.
Print is quite the cuddle bug. He LOVES snuggling like a rabbit next to his person. Or he loves to sleep on your lap. As long as he is close to his person he’s a happy dog. His favorite spot in the house (when he’s on on your lap) is in front of the fireplace. If you are interested in adopting this super special boy, fill out an application at www.beourpet.org/adoptions.php
We are on all social media at @umbrellaofhope and we invite you to follow us and share which helps more people see and adopt our pets.
To help our ALL VOLUNTEER team rescue more senior, special needs, medically needy and hospice animals (and a few 'typical' ones along the way, please consider making a tax-deductible (TAX ID 45-4103375) donation online at www.paypal.me/UOH or Venmo @umbrellaof-hoperescue or Zelle beourpet@gmail.com.
You can also buy tees, tanks. sweatshirts, hats and bandannas where all proceeds benefit our animals https://ruff-life-rescue-wear.myshopify.com/collections/umbrella-of-hope
We also have an Etsy store where the merchandise is made by volunteers and supporters, changes regularly and 100% of the proceeds benefit our medical fund https://www.etsy.com/shop/Umbrellaofhope
Amazon Wish List tinyurl.com/pineapplewish