Berkley was on death'd door at a shelter, and was rescued in the nick of time. She is so stinkin cute! She is about a year old and weighs 65 lbs. The person loves her but does not have a yard and is allergic so we are looking for a foster or forever home. She is loving, snuggly sily and so smart! She will make a fantastic pet. She is a total lovebug. She love all dogs and loves to play with them too. She is great at daycare and really enjoys it She is simply in heaven when she goes to a dog park. She is outgoing, and social. Whenever you speak to her she is all ears! One perks up more than the other which gives her that additional cute look, and when you speak to her her ears perk up! She loves meeting new people and is the best copilot when riding in the car. Her favorite? Cuddling! She has had some training and knows sit, down and wait and gently takes treats. Her negatives? We havent found any yet! She is instantly loveable, super fun, over-the-top adorable and can't wait to find her forever family or person.
Berkley was on death'd door at a shelter, and was rescued in the nick of time. She is so stinkin cute! She is about a year old and weighs 65 lbs. The person loves her but does not have a yard and is allergic so we are looking for a foster or forever home. She is loving, snuggly sily and so smart! She will make a fantastic pet. She is a total lovebug. She love all dogs and loves to play with them too. She is great at daycare and really enjoys it She is simply in heaven when she goes to a dog park. She is outgoing, and social. Whenever you speak to her she is all ears! One perks up more than the other which gives her that additional cute look, and when you speak to her her ears perk up! She loves meeting new people and is the best copilot when riding in the car. Her favorite? Cuddling! She has had some training and knows sit, down and wait and gently takes treats. Her negatives? We havent found any yet! She is instantly loveable, super fun, over-the-top adorable and can't wait to find her forever family or person.