Rosie is a 1 year old (DOB: 12/23/2023) Border Collie. She is white with black ears. Rosie was a rescue and is extremely eager to find and new home and family, and be loved on. She is quiet, crate trained and good with other dogs. Rosie has had some training. Come meet this sweet, precious girl. Amarillo SPCA, 11901 S. Coulter. 806-622-0555.
Rosie is a 1 year old (DOB: 12/23/2023) Border Collie. She is white with black ears. Rosie was a rescue and is extremely eager to find and new home and family, and be loved on. She is quiet, crate trained and good with other dogs. Rosie has had some training. Come meet this sweet, precious girl. Amarillo SPCA, 11901 S. Coulter. 806-622-0555.