Zeus is a young 3 year-old, 50-lb terrier/pit mix with a beautiful, brown brindle coat with a white chest and paws. Zeus has a submissive but confident temperament with a medium energy level. He’s a great combination of smart, loyal and eager to please, always looking for a leader, be it human or canine.
He’s completely house-trained. He hasn’t had a lot of canine socialization but the time he’s had with other dogs was spent in respectful play. He showed no signs of aggression.
He’s spent extended time with the slightly smaller, older, female house dog in the foster home and their dynamic is impressive. Constant wrestling, play-growls and slobber covered ears. Zeus will do well in a home with another similar-sized dog that enjoys energetic play, and one that is a bit more assertive as he’s looking for a leader.
He’s spent some time around older kids (10-15) who are “dog aware” and he did great. He's a wicked cuddler...always wanting to be touching whoever is closest.
Zeus is not terribly food-motivated. He will wait calmly for his meals. You can easily remove his food bowl mid-meal.
Zeus is not kennel trained. When left alone at home WITH the house dog for up to eight hours, he just naps. Leaving Zeus alone may require some work. Even when really tired, he musters the energy to bark and whine until he wears himself out. He hasn’t been destructive, only vocal.
Zeus would be best in a home without cats. His limited exposure and prey drive would be difficult to manage.
When walking on-leash with the house dog [who is trained in a heel], he follows suit and looks at but doesn't react too much to other dogs or squirrels. He picked up on the bike routine and runs side by side with the house dog. Zeus is good for several miles per day but he’ll never be a long-distance runner.
Every dog has its dark side and with Zeus it's his recall. He's going to need to establish a bond with his leader to rely on his recall. He also tends to whine in the car but he’s getting better. He will bark when left alone in the car.
Zeus gets very excited when new people enter his home and he has a tendency to jump. He’s getting better but this will require a calm leader when the environment gets animated.
Zeus is a GREAT dog. He’s thriving with a new routine and he’ll do well in an active home with a clear set of rules and boundaries. He’s young and somebody is going to enjoy a great life with this dog.
Interested in adopting this lovable animal? Please go to our website www.wagsmn.org and fill out an Adoption Application. Once the application is processed, a Wags representative will contact you, answer any questions you may have, and set up a time/location for a meet and greet! A home visit is required prior to adoption.
Thank you for choosing to adopt!
Breed and temperament determination: Wags & Whiskers Animal Rescue attempts to determine breed and temperament using a combination of looks, information provided to us at intake, and our experience with the animal while in our Rescue. We do not guarantee this determination.
Zeus is a young 3 year-old, 50-lb terrier/pit mix with a beautiful, brown brindle coat with a white chest and paws. Zeus has a submissive but confident temperament with a medium energy level. He’s a great combination of smart, loyal and eager to please, always looking for a leader, be it human or canine.
He’s completely house-trained. He hasn’t had a lot of canine socialization but the time he’s had with other dogs was spent in respectful play. He showed no signs of aggression.
He’s spent extended time with the slightly smaller, older, female house dog in the foster home and their dynamic is impressive. Constant wrestling, play-growls and slobber covered ears. Zeus will do well in a home with another similar-sized dog that enjoys energetic play, and one that is a bit more assertive as he’s looking for a leader.
He’s spent some time around older kids (10-15) who are “dog aware” and he did great. He's a wicked cuddler...always wanting to be touching whoever is closest.
Zeus is not terribly food-motivated. He will wait calmly for his meals. You can easily remove his food bowl mid-meal.
Zeus is not kennel trained. When left alone at home WITH the house dog for up to eight hours, he just naps. Leaving Zeus alone may require some work. Even when really tired, he musters the energy to bark and whine until he wears himself out. He hasn’t been destructive, only vocal.
Zeus would be best in a home without cats. His limited exposure and prey drive would be difficult to manage.
When walking on-leash with the house dog [who is trained in a heel], he follows suit and looks at but doesn't react too much to other dogs or squirrels. He picked up on the bike routine and runs side by side with the house dog. Zeus is good for several miles per day but he’ll never be a long-distance runner.
Every dog has its dark side and with Zeus it's his recall. He's going to need to establish a bond with his leader to rely on his recall. He also tends to whine in the car but he’s getting better. He will bark when left alone in the car.
Zeus gets very excited when new people enter his home and he has a tendency to jump. He’s getting better but this will require a calm leader when the environment gets animated.
Zeus is a GREAT dog. He’s thriving with a new routine and he’ll do well in an active home with a clear set of rules and boundaries. He’s young and somebody is going to enjoy a great life with this dog.
Interested in adopting this lovable animal? Please go to our website www.wagsmn.org and fill out an Adoption Application. Once the application is processed, a Wags representative will contact you, answer any questions you may have, and set up a time/location for a meet and greet! A home visit is required prior to adoption.
Thank you for choosing to adopt!
Breed and temperament determination: Wags & Whiskers Animal Rescue attempts to determine breed and temperament using a combination of looks, information provided to us at intake, and our experience with the animal while in our Rescue. We do not guarantee this determination.