Introducing Ace, a young, handsome Husky who's looking for a new home. It turns out that Husky energy is a bit much for his current home. Ace is social and does well with other dogs. He's definitely a two species dog (humans and dogs) and not a fan of kitty cats. Or chickens, it turns out. Like so many Huskies, Ace is a smart and active dog who needs exercise and mental stimulation. He's definitely best in a home with a 6+foot fence. Ace is an affectionate guy who is handsome and game for some cuddles.
Introducing Ace, a young, handsome Husky who's looking for a new home. It turns out that Husky energy is a bit much for his current home. Ace is social and does well with other dogs. He's definitely a two species dog (humans and dogs) and not a fan of kitty cats. Or chickens, it turns out. Like so many Huskies, Ace is a smart and active dog who needs exercise and mental stimulation. He's definitely best in a home with a 6+foot fence. Ace is an affectionate guy who is handsome and game for some cuddles.