Beagle mix Watson is ready to steal your heart with his friendly personality. Watson is a 1 yr. old male. He weighs about 36 lbs. & is considered full grown. We're just getting to know this sweet pup & will update soon. If you're interested in adopting Watson call Friends for Animals to set up a meet/greet appt. Phones are answered Noon-3 pm Tues., Thur., Fri. & Sat Please call before you visit to make sure Watson is available.
Beagle mix Watson is ready to steal your heart with his friendly personality. Watson is a 1 yr. old male. He weighs about 36 lbs. & is considered full grown. We're just getting to know this sweet pup & will update soon. If you're interested in adopting Watson call Friends for Animals to set up a meet/greet appt. Phones are answered Noon-3 pm Tues., Thur., Fri. & Sat Please call before you visit to make sure Watson is available.