Cindy Lou is one beautiful fun-loving pup. She is currently 8 weeks old and looking for her new home. She is a Lab/Shephard mix. She's had her first puppy vaccines and will receive her next two on their due date, she's dewormed and Microchipped and she will be spayed.
Stop into the PAWS Adoption Center, 1125 W 1130 N, St George, Ut and meet her and all her siblings Tuesday - Saturday 11am to 3 pm. Our pets are spayed/neutered, microchipped, dewormed and current on vaccinations before their adoptions are finalized. Please call PAWS at 435-688-9748 for more information about this pet. If you are interested in adopting, please visit and submit an application. Our office hours are 11 AM-3 PM Tuesday through Saturday. We are closed Sunday and Monday.
January 4, 2025, 5:35 pm