"RAJA" Out Little Sweet Lamb!
Meet Raja, a 12 yr old, 13 lb, male, Bichon Poodle Mix.
He's such a Sweetheart! He loves his people; naps in recliner with foster dad but follows his foster mom around the house and lays in between them in bed. He gets along with other dogs and cats too!!
He's housebroken but due to his age, needs to go out throughout the day.
He would like a fenced yard to wander around but does well on leash. He is Leash Trained.
Don't let being 12 yr old fool you! Raja is a moderately active Senior Guy!
He lays around a lot, he's a retired guy!, but will whine or bark to get your attention or to go out! See the video posted on here.
One other thing: he's like a Mountain Goat! He lays on back of sofa to look out of "Nature's Window", and he will climb on chairs and even "table surfs" but will lay on top of table to surprise you to watch you cook! AHHHH!!
His previous parents could no longer care for him so he's looking for another family who will love him forever!
If you are interested, complete the Adoption Application on our website at www.NeedyPaws.org and we will contact you. Adopters must live within an hour’s drive of St. Louis, MO.
Raja’s adoption fee is $175.00, which includes up-to-date vaccinations, heartworm testing and preventative, spay/neuter and microchip.
We are a 100% foster-based rescue and all of our dogs live in approved foster homes. We are dedicated to finding the best Forever Homes, and will perform home visits and conduct veterinarian and reference checks for each potential adopter.
"RAJA" Out Little Sweet Lamb!
Meet Raja, a 12 yr old, 13 lb, male, Bichon Poodle Mix.
He's such a Sweetheart! He loves his people; naps in recliner with foster dad but follows his foster mom around the house and lays in between them in bed. He gets along with other dogs and cats too!!
He's housebroken but due to his age, needs to go out throughout the day.
He would like a fenced yard to wander around but does well on leash. He is Leash Trained.
Don't let being 12 yr old fool you! Raja is a moderately active Senior Guy!
He lays around a lot, he's a retired guy!, but will whine or bark to get your attention or to go out! See the video posted on here.
One other thing: he's like a Mountain Goat! He lays on back of sofa to look out of "Nature's Window", and he will climb on chairs and even "table surfs" but will lay on top of table to surprise you to watch you cook! AHHHH!!
His previous parents could no longer care for him so he's looking for another family who will love him forever!
If you are interested, complete the Adoption Application on our website at www.NeedyPaws.org and we will contact you. Adopters must live within an hour’s drive of St. Louis, MO.
Raja’s adoption fee is $175.00, which includes up-to-date vaccinations, heartworm testing and preventative, spay/neuter and microchip.
We are a 100% foster-based rescue and all of our dogs live in approved foster homes. We are dedicated to finding the best Forever Homes, and will perform home visits and conduct veterinarian and reference checks for each potential adopter.