Hey! My name is Natasha and I am an 8-month-old, 40 lb spayed female. I am already housetrained and crate-trained. I am still a puppy so I should be crated when left unsupervised.
I have done well with both men and women. I am working on my greeting skills to involve less excited mouthing as I can be all over the place when meeting people. I am affectionate with my family and will gently paw at my foster dad to keep petting me if he stops before I’m ready.
I am fostering with several other dogs and do well with all of them, including the small Pomeranian. I would love to have a playful canine sibling in my home who enjoys running around. I like toys, especially squeaky toys, and will happily play with them! I’ve met cats and done well, so I could have feline siblings in my home too.
I am doing well with my training and am figuring out loose leash walking quickly! I may need guidance passing other dogs or people, my foster dad has shown me that passing calmly gets me a reward. I have been working on sit and stay at home. I am an intelligent girl who would excel with a family committed to providing continued training and exercise. I am working on building tolerance for car rides—right now they make me sick. I would love to find an active family to continue learning how to be the best girl I can be. Could you be my family?
Follow me on Facebook: #EchoDogNatasha2024
For more information, please contact adoptions@echodogs.org.
Echo Dogs fosters dogs in many states. Visit www.echodogs.org/available-dogs to see more of our dogs. Transportation for the adopted dog IS available. Remember, we are an all-volunteer foster rescue organization - we DO NOT have a physical shelter to visit. Our minimum adoption donation is $350. All dogs are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and micro-chipped. Puppies under 6 months old may not be spayed/neutered. This would be the responsibility of the adopter at their own expense. Proof of spay/neuter will be required!
To review our adoption procedure and submit an online application, visit: www.echodogs.org/procedure
Hey! My name is Natasha and I am an 8-month-old, 40 lb spayed female. I am already housetrained and crate-trained. I am still a puppy so I should be crated when left unsupervised.
I have done well with both men and women. I am working on my greeting skills to involve less excited mouthing as I can be all over the place when meeting people. I am affectionate with my family and will gently paw at my foster dad to keep petting me if he stops before I’m ready.
I am fostering with several other dogs and do well with all of them, including the small Pomeranian. I would love to have a playful canine sibling in my home who enjoys running around. I like toys, especially squeaky toys, and will happily play with them! I’ve met cats and done well, so I could have feline siblings in my home too.
I am doing well with my training and am figuring out loose leash walking quickly! I may need guidance passing other dogs or people, my foster dad has shown me that passing calmly gets me a reward. I have been working on sit and stay at home. I am an intelligent girl who would excel with a family committed to providing continued training and exercise. I am working on building tolerance for car rides—right now they make me sick. I would love to find an active family to continue learning how to be the best girl I can be. Could you be my family?
Follow me on Facebook: #EchoDogNatasha2024
For more information, please contact adoptions@echodogs.org.
Echo Dogs fosters dogs in many states. Visit www.echodogs.org/available-dogs to see more of our dogs. Transportation for the adopted dog IS available. Remember, we are an all-volunteer foster rescue organization - we DO NOT have a physical shelter to visit. Our minimum adoption donation is $350. All dogs are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and micro-chipped. Puppies under 6 months old may not be spayed/neutered. This would be the responsibility of the adopter at their own expense. Proof of spay/neuter will be required!
To review our adoption procedure and submit an online application, visit: www.echodogs.org/procedure