12/27/24 These two boys are Valdez and Marshmallow! These roosters were brought to the shelter because their previous owners lived downtown, and as the boys matured they found their voices! Marshmallow and Valdez have never been around other chickens besides each other, so please keep this in mind if planning to add them to a flock. Both of these boys are used to being handled, though Marshmallow can be a little more combative than Valdez. Valdez is a rather outgoing chicken! If you are not familiar with the care of chickens, we recommend doing some research prior to adopting. Both chickens were said to have done well with the children and the dogs in their previous home. If you are interested in either Valdez or MArshmallow, or maybe keeping them together as a dynamic duo, please give the shelter a call!
December 28, 2024, 1:02 am