** $135 in pledges for the rescue that pulls **
** New behavior notes 3/15 and 3/14 **
Lucky ACCT-A-209533 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to length of stay and lack of space for incoming dogs. Lucky must have confirmed placement with an ADOPTER or RESCUE PARTNER by Tuesday, March 18th by 10:00 am. Should Lucky’s medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change.
Due to being significantly overcapacity with animals and higher than usual intake, extensions are unlikely to be granted. If you are interested in an animal please contact ACCT Philly immediately. Due to limited space, timestamps may also be proceeded with early so it is imperative to let us know if you are considering adopting or tagging an animal.
Anyone would be so lucky to add Lucky to their family! Lucky was in foster for over a month and did great. He's a velcro dog who loves to snuggle on the couch with his person. He does well on walks, only occasionally pulling and fixating on other dogs or people. However he's very treat motivated and easy to redirect. He's great at checking in with his walker, and not too scared of city noises besides loud thunder. This handsome young pup is looking for a home with kids 15+ and will need slow introductions to other resident dogs. Lucky warmed up to his foster mom fairly quickly but seems to take a little more time to warm up to men. With some patience and love, Lucky is happy to show anyone and everyone his wonderful personality!
In foster care, Lucky lived with a female dog and got along great with her, but was reactive when meeting a male dog on leash so he might be dog selective. He is crate trained and almost house trained, only having a few accidents since entering his foster home. He has some youthful behaviors including his love for chewing! Lucky does not resource guard but will happily take food from your plate if you're not looking. Lucky has also been tested for heartworm and came back negative!
On 3/6 per exam: Vomit with foreign object (toy or bedding) found in kennel.
General appearance/hydration: BAR, euhydrated
1) OROPHARYNX: minimal tartar, no gingivitis, pink and moist mucous membranes, no discharge, masses, or ulceration
2) EYES: no discharge, corneas clear, smooth eyelid margins, pupils symmetric
3) EARS: quiet canals with small amount of debris
4) NASAL: mild serous discharge, no congestion or sneezing
5) CARDIO: no murmurs or arrhythmias ausculted
6) PULM: no crackles or wheezes ausculted, normal effort and rate
7) ABD: moderately tense and nonpainful, no organomegaly or masses palpated
8) MS: normal muscle mass and symmetry. Ambulatory x4, no stiffness, swelling, or lameness noted
9) INTEG: full clean coat, no evidence of ectoparasites, inflammation, or pruritus
10) UROG: empty scrotal sac, no discharge or masses noted, normal male anatomic conformation.
11) LN: lymph nodes palpate normally
12) NEURO: no neurologic deficits noted, full neuro exam not performed
On 2/28 per exam: Lucky has been observed to have shelter acquired upper respiratory infection (URI), or a "doggy cold". They have been started on medication, and will be monitored for resolution of the respiratory infection. PCR test taken & came back negative for pneumovirus.
On 2/27 per intake exam:
Eyes - clear and normal
Ears - waxy AU
Nose - clear and normal
Mouth/Teeth/Gums - mild tartar on dental
Coat & Skin - dirty coat; dandruff
Urogenital - neutered
Gait/Mobility - normal
Attitude: BAR; friendly
Overall Assessment: In good health
On 1/11 per exam: Foster noticed crusting dry skin at tip of ears.
Suspects Vasculitis, Marine dermatitis
Plan: Sending home dermavet apply 2x a day for 7 days
On 12/21/24 per exam: emaciated, pressure sores.
BAR, friendly, wags tail, cuddles
BCS 3/9, MM pale pink, tacky, CRT<2sec
H/L - wnl
Oral - calculus 2/5 overall
EENT - distal tips of ear pinna are crusted and flaking off. mild non odorous dried otic discharge AU. eyes clear, nose clear
PLN - wnl
Abd - snp
MS / Int - ribs, vertebrate, and hip bones are prominent with a callous on the left ischium and an active circular ulcer of about 2cm in diameter over the right ischium. The distal tip of the tail is painful and has two 0.5cm puncture wounds on the dorsal aspect. Pt will not let me look
Neuro - appropriate
Urogenital - two testes in sac
Assessment: emaciated, wound on tail & cubital ulcer
On 12/21/24 per intake exam:
Eyes -clear
Ears - crusted ears
Nose - has lil cuts on nose but overall moist
Mouth/Teeth/Gums -tartar on molars and k9s pink gums
Coat & Skin - has dandruff , sores on back legs
Urogenital - female in tact
Gait/Mobility - no lameness
Attitude: BAR, friendly , clam, well handled
Play Group 3/15: Very steerable at the gate. Greeted dogs appropriately. Kept to himself mostly. Did have a brief moment of play with another dog and then walked away. Gentle and dainty play style.
Per day trip 3/14: I took Lucky out on a day trip and he was amazing! Very sweet dog. I took him on Kelly drive, minimum pulling, would check in with me, loves to walk and run. Loves to be pet, good in the car, loves treats. We saw a dog from 6 feet away did not react. Very well behaved. Loves to lick your face. He did very well! Such a cutie!
On 3/9 per staff: Lucky was in playgroup last week. He was somewhat shut down but greeted a few dogs and was very appropriate. He didn't show any aggressive behaviors whatsoever.
On 2/24 per staff: Lucky did well with another dog today. The other dog was very bouncy and Lucky started off a little fixated but then got some good sniffs in. At the end (after the video stopped), Lucky allowed the other dog to sniff his hind end.
On 2/24 per staff: BEHAVIOR EVALUATION: Lucky
Foster return
Lucky was at the front with soft eyes and a wagging tail. He was easy to leash and came right out once secured.
Pulls moderately – likes to sniff everything
In the room, Lucky was very timid and shy. He kept a good distance away from me and was scared to approach me. I approached a treat and he wagged closer to me with wide eyes. He took the treat, gave me some side eye and darted away. When I called him over to me, he tried his hardest to avoid contact I was trying to make but just seemed very unsure overall. When I gave him some pets he began lip licking and was very uncomfortable. After some time, he finally went back to the treat I gave him and ate it but still didn't feel comfortable enough with me. I used the leash and held it to get some intersection with him. He was tolerant of all handling but not comfortable.
No interest
No interest
On 2/22: Lucky was brought back from foster care due to an altercation with another dog. Lucky requires a slow introduction to other resident dogs and new dog friends. Before the altercation, Lucky, who was on leash, was watching the foster’s resident dog playing with a friend's dog and showed some frustration/whining. The friend’s dog went up to Lucky and Lucky bit on their shoulder. Once separated, per foster, Lucky was his usual self again.
On 1/31 per foster: We've been lucky to have Lucky with us for officially a month now! I thought we could do monthly fill in about the things we have learnt about him so far.
1. We're guessing that Lucky is a younger dog, his age on the website is 4, we feel he's around 1.5-2 based on his urge to nibble constantly.
2. He's good to walk on leash, pulls a little, manageable so far. He does get fixated about people and dogs, but is never the first one to react over it, can be easily redirected. He would check with me frequently during our walks, to seek reassurance of how he's doing. He is not scared easily by sounds of cats, he walks well in the rain, loud thunder scares him a little.
3. He's very food motivated, wouldn't hesitate taking a big bite from your plate, is not into resource guiding.
4. Lucky gets along with our female resident dog really well, he was a tad reactive towards our friend's male dog, but we don't have enough data on dog selectiveness.
5. He is a Velcro dog, he would pick a person, in this case it's me, he loves to snuggle and be with me on couch all day. He was a bit aggressive towards my husband in the beginning but since his alteration which was on the 10th of January, he seems to be doing a lot better with my husband.
6. He is doing very well with his crate training, he sleeps through the night in the crate without making a sound.
7. He is almost house trained, we have had a few accidents which mostly could have been avoided. We don't eat anything around him since he is highly food motivated and he tries to take a bite from our food.
On 12/31/24 per volunteer: Lucky is great on the leash, however he’d rather stop for cuddles and pets more than anything. He’s a good listener and likes to sniff and explore too! A sweet gentle boy
On 12/30/24 per volunteer: I loved Lucky! Such a fun and affectionate dog. He’s pretty good on leash- curious and pulls towards smells but very manageable and checks in on you. He’s playful but really loves pets and scratches.
On 12/21/24 per staff: BEHAVIOR EVALUATION: Lucky
Lucky was sitting in the front of his kennel with a wagging tail and soft eyes. He was easy to leash and once secured came right out.
Pulls minimally
In the room, Lucky had a low wagging tail and sniffed around. He is very hesitant of being approached and pet and gets low but remains wagging. He likes a slow and lowered approach and prefers to come to you. He struggles with courage and needs time to be brave but once he was offered a treat it helped him be braver. He allowed all handling in spurts as he kept walking away from me. He is less tolerant of his back end and sides (more sensitive) and should be refrained for touch at this time as he has pressure wounds that really hurt. Once I was closer to his level, he tried to push his head into me but got nervous and walked away. He is a very shy and timid boy but an overall good boy. He takes treats very gently and will sit for them.
No interest –scared
No interest
Meet timestamped Lucky: https://youtube.com/shorts/i37HPfts-HA?si=7_3S5P7lznGCV3ma
Lucky, Jasmine, and Alonah drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8ivMryy4Zg
Lucky, Jasmine, Alonah, and Mocha drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKmejt5P7W0
Lucky, Jasmine, Mocha, and Man Man drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsGJ4gjEi-k
Lucky, Jasmine, Man Man, and Blake drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NOaP3Bboqw
Lucky, Jasmine, Man Man, and Blake drop leash 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0N03nTJtZY
Lucky, Jasmine, Blake, Chickie, and Doc drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83J7jDl4OfI
Chickie and Lucky drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRN4b-IDI-k
Lucky, Chickie, Doc, and Blue drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS0Bb7Vy51I
Lucky, Chickie, Doc, Blue, and Orion drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72a_4oF8dlk
Lucky, Chickie, Doc, Blue, Orion, and Blake drop leash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI_AKXp-JUI
Lucky Loves Pets https://youtube.com/shorts/GrtHbsTK99A
Lucky On A Walk https://youtube.com/shorts/sOrU_gVT5-Y
Lucky and Charles Barkly Meet: https://youtube.com/shorts/ZKgO3t0Z18k?feature=share
ACCT Philly is located at 111 West Hunting Park Ave in Philadelphia. We are open for adoptions 7 days a week. Please visit www.acctphilly.org/adopt for details.
If you are a rescue interested in pulling this animal, please email our lifesaving team, or visit here if you are not currently a rescue partner: https://acctphilly.org/acct-philly-love-local-partnership-program/
Confirmed placement is considered confirmation of an actual rescue pull. Possible placement, interested parties, and other "TBD" statuses are not considered confirmed and do not indicate an animal is no longer urgent