Sadie is an extremely loving 50lb catahoula/Pit mix female who was born on October 7, 2021. What a beauty she is and one with great manners. She is fully potty trained and crate trained, spayed, fully vaccinated, and microchipped. Sadie comes from a neglect situation and is eager to make up for all the cuddles and play time she didn’t receive growing up in her former home. She has an extremely resilient personality and an eager to please temperament. She sincerely craves human interaction and will follow you around the house to be a part of everything you’re doing. When hugged, she likes to hug back by tucking her head around you and pressing in. She cooperates very well for bath time and settles well on car rides. Sadie behaves nicely in public spaces and happily accepts belly rubs from strangers. She has very limited experience around children but is happy to meet everyone she comes across. She is not recommended to homes with very young children simply for the concern of potential knocking them down. She has learned to sit when she wants to be pet, but may occasionally jump up if overly excited. Sadie must go to a home without other pets due to resource guarding around dogs (this does not apply to humans, she is submissive toward humans) and prey drive toward cats.
Sadie is an extremely loving 50lb catahoula/Pit mix female who was born on October 7, 2021. What a beauty she is and one with great manners. She is fully potty trained and crate trained, spayed, fully vaccinated, and microchipped. Sadie comes from a neglect situation and is eager to make up for all the cuddles and play time she didn’t receive growing up in her former home. She has an extremely resilient personality and an eager to please temperament. She sincerely craves human interaction and will follow you around the house to be a part of everything you’re doing. When hugged, she likes to hug back by tucking her head around you and pressing in. She cooperates very well for bath time and settles well on car rides. Sadie behaves nicely in public spaces and happily accepts belly rubs from strangers. She has very limited experience around children but is happy to meet everyone she comes across. She is not recommended to homes with very young children simply for the concern of potential knocking them down. She has learned to sit when she wants to be pet, but may occasionally jump up if overly excited. Sadie must go to a home without other pets due to resource guarding around dogs (this does not apply to humans, she is submissive toward humans) and prey drive toward cats.