Pepe is a charming young bunny with a heart full of potential. Born in July to his mom, Dory, Pepe’s story begins with a remarkable rescue. Dory was found as a stray and brought to a local humane society, where she gave birth to her litter just days after arriving. Recognizing their need for specialized care, the humane society transferred Dory and her babies to OHRR, where they grew together in a medical foster home until they were ready for the next chapter of their lives.
Now that Pepe has reached maturity, he’s ready to embark on his own journey and find a loving forever home. While he may be a little shy at first, it doesn’t take long for Pepe to show his sweet and gentle nature once he knows he can trust you. With a little patience and care, Pepe will be a wonderful companion who will bring joy to your life.
Pepe is looking for a home where he can feel safe, loved, and appreciated. Could you be the one to give this special boy the future he deserves? Come meet Pepe and see if he’s the perfect addition to your family!
If you have read our Adoption Policy and want to adopt Pepe, please complete and submit the online Adoption Application.
Pepe is a charming young bunny with a heart full of potential. Born in July to his mom, Dory, Pepe’s story begins with a remarkable rescue. Dory was found as a stray and brought to a local humane society, where she gave birth to her litter just days after arriving. Recognizing their need for specialized care, the humane society transferred Dory and her babies to OHRR, where they grew together in a medical foster home until they were ready for the next chapter of their lives.
Now that Pepe has reached maturity, he’s ready to embark on his own journey and find a loving forever home. While he may be a little shy at first, it doesn’t take long for Pepe to show his sweet and gentle nature once he knows he can trust you. With a little patience and care, Pepe will be a wonderful companion who will bring joy to your life.
Pepe is looking for a home where he can feel safe, loved, and appreciated. Could you be the one to give this special boy the future he deserves? Come meet Pepe and see if he’s the perfect addition to your family!
If you have read our Adoption Policy and want to adopt Pepe, please complete and submit the online Adoption Application.