Little Winkie is such a sweet boy. He is 1 year old and 4.5 lbs. He needs to gain a pound. His coat is soft and beautiful. He is great with other dogs, cats, all people and kind children. He is not a barker just a lover boy. He is a pocket pooch for sure! He would be a great companion for a single person or couple. He's just a baby needing lots of love. He gives great kisses too! Interested in Winkie then do not call, submit an application on our website listed below.
Little Winkie is such a sweet boy. He is 1 year old and 4.5 lbs. He needs to gain a pound. His coat is soft and beautiful. He is great with other dogs, cats, all people and kind children. He is not a barker just a lover boy. He is a pocket pooch for sure! He would be a great companion for a single person or couple. He's just a baby needing lots of love. He gives great kisses too! Interested in Winkie then do not call, submit an application on our website listed below.