Rooster is the best boy. We are told he is 8 to 10 years old, but he acts closer to 6 at most. He weighs 55 lbs. He is still active and athletic and is good in any situation. Rooster is great with dogs and cats. Dumped at a shelter, from his home in SC due to the family having too many dogs, and the family getting a new puppy, this poor guy got a raw deal for sure. He is fitting into our pack SO well and is smart and eager to please, and very well mannered! Rooster has a lot of love to give, and would love to show you how handsome and wonderful he truly is, and to show you how much he loves his ball, toys, and how he loves to smile. Please open your hearts and home to this great dog - you will be so glad you did - a must meet!!
LOVABLE MUTTS ADOPTION CENTER (Pregnant Dog Rescue) is a private, in home, all breed rescue facility. We exist only on the kindness of your donations and adoptions! We pride ourselves on being an HOLISTIC center and feed only holistic foods and various vitamins and supplements to all of our dogs. LOVABLE MUTTS ADOPTION CENTER dogs are well socialized, very friendly, and in wonderful health. We stand by our pups/dogs, and give 10 days for a refund and almost always take our dogs back at any age of their lives (often depends on dog)! LMAC has an application screening process. All applicants are asked to provide vet references, personal references, and a home visit. We pride ourselves in matching up the right dog with the right home. Sometimes this happens quickly and sometimes it might take awhile. We hope you understand and are willing to wait for the perfect pup for your situation. We reserve the right to turn applicants down and to change our mind about a suitable match, for we are only concerned about what is best for our dogs. Also note that we arrange our visiting hours around your schedule, as this is a private, in home facility. We respond to all inquiries promptly, so if you have any trouble sending us an email, or have not heard back from us within 24 hours, please, CONTACT US AGAIN and check your spam! (We all know how emails can be at times!) Our dogs are spayed or neutered (if old enough), up to date on vaccines, wormed, heartworm tested, and free of fleas and ticks. We temperament test our dogs and they are all suitable for many family situations. Our dogs are well mannered, know some basic commands, and are usually housebroken within a week of being with us (if old enough). They are in our family/home situation at this time (not in kennels or crates, although most are crate trained) and are worked with daily. All of our dogs do well with other dogs and many do well with cats. Adoption donations vary with age, breed, vetting, and training of the dog, and range from $250 to $695 (most being $595). (We do not tend to place puppies or small dogs with kids under 6 and reserve the right to match who WE feel would be the best homes for our dogs.)
Rooster is the best boy. We are told he is 8 to 10 years old, but he acts closer to 6 at most. He weighs 55 lbs. He is still active and athletic and is good in any situation. Rooster is great with dogs and cats. Dumped at a shelter, from his home in SC due to the family having too many dogs, and the family getting a new puppy, this poor guy got a raw deal for sure. He is fitting into our pack SO well and is smart and eager to please, and very well mannered! Rooster has a lot of love to give, and would love to show you how handsome and wonderful he truly is, and to show you how much he loves his ball, toys, and how he loves to smile. Please open your hearts and home to this great dog - you will be so glad you did - a must meet!!
LOVABLE MUTTS ADOPTION CENTER (Pregnant Dog Rescue) is a private, in home, all breed rescue facility. We exist only on the kindness of your donations and adoptions! We pride ourselves on being an HOLISTIC center and feed only holistic foods and various vitamins and supplements to all of our dogs. LOVABLE MUTTS ADOPTION CENTER dogs are well socialized, very friendly, and in wonderful health. We stand by our pups/dogs, and give 10 days for a refund and almost always take our dogs back at any age of their lives (often depends on dog)! LMAC has an application screening process. All applicants are asked to provide vet references, personal references, and a home visit. We pride ourselves in matching up the right dog with the right home. Sometimes this happens quickly and sometimes it might take awhile. We hope you understand and are willing to wait for the perfect pup for your situation. We reserve the right to turn applicants down and to change our mind about a suitable match, for we are only concerned about what is best for our dogs. Also note that we arrange our visiting hours around your schedule, as this is a private, in home facility. We respond to all inquiries promptly, so if you have any trouble sending us an email, or have not heard back from us within 24 hours, please, CONTACT US AGAIN and check your spam! (We all know how emails can be at times!) Our dogs are spayed or neutered (if old enough), up to date on vaccines, wormed, heartworm tested, and free of fleas and ticks. We temperament test our dogs and they are all suitable for many family situations. Our dogs are well mannered, know some basic commands, and are usually housebroken within a week of being with us (if old enough). They are in our family/home situation at this time (not in kennels or crates, although most are crate trained) and are worked with daily. All of our dogs do well with other dogs and many do well with cats. Adoption donations vary with age, breed, vetting, and training of the dog, and range from $250 to $695 (most being $595). (We do not tend to place puppies or small dogs with kids under 6 and reserve the right to match who WE feel would be the best homes for our dogs.)