Posted over 4 months ago | Updated over 4 months ago
Dog Name: Ygritte (E-Grit)
Breed: Chihuahua mix
Sex: F
Age: 5 years
Weight: 9 lbs.
Medical Needs: This little lady has arthritis and is taking medication for her pain. She also has allergies and may need medication for that also. The estimated cost for her arthritis medication is $25-$30 a month.
Housebroken: yes as long as she has frequent potty breaks
Crate trained: yes
Good in the car: yes
Good on a leash: yes
Energy level: low
Need a fenced in yard: no
Dog Friendly: yes
If yes, does your foster need another dog in its adoptive homes? No
Cat Friendly? Yes
Kid Friendly: no
If yes, what's the youngest child you'd recommend they be placed with? Ygriie is timid and not familiar with small children .
Special traits that make your foster special or that we need to know about them? Ygritte is timid and needs a slow introduction. She’s a great watch dog and will alert you to strangers. She is incredibly affectionate and just wants to snuggle and be near. She is an excellent traveler and has gone on several trips with her foster family.
Fosters Location: Centreville Md
Application can be found here: (if you already have an approved application on file email and ask the app team to pull your app
Dog Name: Ygritte (E-Grit)
Breed: Chihuahua mix
Sex: F
Age: 5 years
Weight: 9 lbs.
Medical Needs: This little lady has arthritis and is taking medication for her pain. She also has allergies and may need medication for that also. The estimated cost for her arthritis medication is $25-$30 a month.
Housebroken: yes as long as she has frequent potty breaks
Crate trained: yes
Good in the car: yes
Good on a leash: yes
Energy level: low
Need a fenced in yard: no
Dog Friendly: yes
If yes, does your foster need another dog in its adoptive homes? No
Cat Friendly? Yes
Kid Friendly: no
If yes, what's the youngest child you'd recommend they be placed with? Ygriie is timid and not familiar with small children .
Special traits that make your foster special or that we need to know about them? Ygritte is timid and needs a slow introduction. She’s a great watch dog and will alert you to strangers. She is incredibly affectionate and just wants to snuggle and be near. She is an excellent traveler and has gone on several trips with her foster family.
Fosters Location: Centreville Md
Application can be found here: (if you already have an approved application on file email and ask the app team to pull your app