My foster writes:
"Cute!" "Adorable!" "What a great dog!" - these are the kinds of things you'll hear when you head out for a walk with Jasmine at your side. Jasmine loves every human she meets, greeting them with a tail wag, an excited wiggle, and a great big "Jasmine smile". Living with Jasmine means that you get to start every day on a cheerful note - she brings her happiness and zest for life to every step of your morning routine together.
But Jasmine's not only loving, she's also well-behaved! A true people-pleaser, she's eager to show off the tricks she's learned (sit, paw, high five, down, etc.). She ticks all of the "good-dog" boxes: housebroken, non-destructive, trainable, and playful and fun, yet able to snooze and chill when you're working or relaxing. She's made friends with all of my neighbors (kids included), has gotten stellar reports from the groomer and the vet, is great in the car and on walks, and is unfazed by all the activity in my busy Brooklyn neighborhood. She will even join you on a slow jog every so often!
Like all of us, Jasmine has some quirks - she can get a little jumpy when meeting new people, though this typically subsides in a couple of minutes. She's also not a fan of rats or squirrels, and seems to be selective about other dogs... some are ok, while others aren't her cup of tea. Fortunately, her fondness of treats and people mean that it's easy to redirect her away from dogs whom she's not vibing with. She's also a huge aficionado of toys, and will sometimes insist on carrying a favorite one on her walk.
You'll notice in some photos that Jasmine used to have a unicorn-style mass on the front of her head - this was determined to be non-cancerous and has been surgically removed so that Jasmine can look her best as she waits for her forever home!
Jasmine's love of people, attention, and play make her particularly well-suited to a family or multigenerational home where there are multiple humans to love on her, but she's also been a happy pup in homes with a single person or a couple. Give Jasmine some love, toys, treats, and walks, and you'll get a loyal, loving, and hilarious friend for life!
Click here to Learn more about Jasmine! Primary Color: Tan
Secondary Color: White
Weight: 73.2
Age: 5yrs 11mths 1wks