Daisy is a 1-year old female Standard Poodle! She is house and kennel trained. She is dog and kid friendly. Daisy is great on a leash and loves to go for walks/jogs.
Daisy has a perfect medium energy level. She is able to play independently with a ball or squeaky toy, but she also turns off quickly when it's time to be calm. Daisy loves affection and getting pets, she even lets you know when she wants more!
She is probably close to 50lbs now. Daisy is also very easy to groom. She lets her foster mom shave her, cut her nails and clean her ears with no problems at all.
She rings the bell to alert her foster mom when she needs to go outside. She has learned "down and almost has "shake, "stay and "break. She is the best Nannie dog to her foster siblings!
To adopt Daisy, please submit an application at:
Daisy is a 1-year old female Standard Poodle! She is house and kennel trained. She is dog and kid friendly. Daisy is great on a leash and loves to go for walks/jogs.
Daisy has a perfect medium energy level. She is able to play independently with a ball or squeaky toy, but she also turns off quickly when it's time to be calm. Daisy loves affection and getting pets, she even lets you know when she wants more!
She is probably close to 50lbs now. Daisy is also very easy to groom. She lets her foster mom shave her, cut her nails and clean her ears with no problems at all.
She rings the bell to alert her foster mom when she needs to go outside. She has learned "down and almost has "shake, "stay and "break. She is the best Nannie dog to her foster siblings!
To adopt Daisy, please submit an application at: