Introducing Morticia, a charming 3-month-old short-haired tortoiseshell with a gentle spirit. She arrived at the shelter alongside another kitten, both feeling scared and uncertain in their new environment. Morticia would often attempt to escape her kennel, but once gently handled, she preferred to express her feelings with a hiss before retreating to the safety of her cozy box.
While she may be a little shy, Morticia doesn’t mind being gently pet; she simply prefers to take her time getting comfortable. This sweet girl loves to be admired from afar, soaking in the love and attention at her own pace.
With patience and understanding, Morticia is sure to blossom into a loving companion. If you’re looking for a sweet, quiet kitten who will appreciate your gentle presence, Morticia might just be the perfect match for you!
Introducing Morticia, a charming 3-month-old short-haired tortoiseshell with a gentle spirit. She arrived at the shelter alongside another kitten, both feeling scared and uncertain in their new environment. Morticia would often attempt to escape her kennel, but once gently handled, she preferred to express her feelings with a hiss before retreating to the safety of her cozy box.
While she may be a little shy, Morticia doesn’t mind being gently pet; she simply prefers to take her time getting comfortable. This sweet girl loves to be admired from afar, soaking in the love and attention at her own pace.
With patience and understanding, Morticia is sure to blossom into a loving companion. If you’re looking for a sweet, quiet kitten who will appreciate your gentle presence, Morticia might just be the perfect match for you!