Posted over 2 months ago | Updated over 4 weeks ago
Honey is an approx. 2-year-old, 32lb. possible Brittany mix with a heart as sweet as her name. She’s a bundle of energy, still full of puppy spirit, and loves to zoom around the yard. Her red and white speckled fur is just gorgeous. A fenced yard (minimum 6 feet high) is a must for her, as she can’t resist chasing squirrels or trying to catch butterflies. She walks well on a leash, but will also stop to chase lizards and try to chase squirrels, so a stronger person and firm grip on the leash is a must. Honey is wonderful in the car—she’ll snooze during the ride—and is both house trained and crate trained, and she is a low shedder. She will whine to let you know when she needs to go out or when she desires attention. She gets along great with other dogs and with cats, and would thrive in an active home where her people can keep up with her fun-loving energy. Honey is highly active, and needs a family that will take the time to walk her at least twice a day, will play with her in their fenced-in yard, and will provide mental stimulation toys and puzzles. She could also use basic training, as she does still play bite and is mouthy. For that reason, she would not be a match for young kids. She is afraid of loud noises so will need some reassuring that she is safe. She loves chew toys, and playing tug of war, but stuffies don't last long with her. She is still learning what is and what is not a chew toy, and therefore will need patience, supervision and correction until she figures this out completely. She especially loves playing fetch with a tennis ball. She is learning basic commands "sit" and "come" at her foster home. When the day winds down, Honey is all about the snuggles. She sleeps through the night. Her big, soulful eyes, like pools of honey, will melt your heart. If you’re looking for a sweet, affectionate dog with a playful side, Honey’s ready to be your forever love bug! Honey has tested positive for heartworms and is on the slow kill method, which can explain to interested adopters. It is not transmissible to other dogs and she can continue a normal daily routine. If you live in the Central Florida/Orlando area and believe you have the perfect active family for Honey, please complete an app and tell us more about you.