Hey, I`m Morgan. I`m a larger older gent looking for a home where I can lounge, get brushes, and watch the birds through the windows. I want a luxurious palace for a king like me. I tend to like things at my own pace and my own space, so no toddler please. I may do well with another cat, but it has been quite some time since I`ve lived with a proper family. Please stop by the shelter and take me home!
Hey, I`m Morgan. I`m a larger older gent looking for a home where I can lounge, get brushes, and watch the birds through the windows. I want a luxurious palace for a king like me. I tend to like things at my own pace and my own space, so no toddler please. I may do well with another cat, but it has been quite some time since I`ve lived with a proper family. Please stop by the shelter and take me home!