Posted over 5 months ago | Updated over 3 months ago
Noah is an adult, neutered male cat, probably born in 2023. He is an absolute gem of a cat. He's a big, big boy - large bones, a solid build, and maybe a little extra padding, but it just makes him more squeezable. He is into everything and wants nothing more than to be close to people and help them do their work. He seems to follow hand directions very quickly (if you tap something, he leaps up), so if you want a cat to clicker train, he might be a good candidate. He has been on many weekend car rides to the lakes with one of our volunteers where he enjoys birdwatching and butterfly displays. Noah has tested positive for FELV (feline leukemia virus), but at this time, he is happy and in robust good health. Moving forward, it's important to keep him healthy and rested and to avoid exposing him to novel diseases because he may be more vulnerable. Regular vet checks are also important to make sure nothing goofy is going on with him.
Update: Noah and his friend Sparkie (also FELV +) are currently in a foster home....if you'd like to meet them, please contact us at 701-356-7877.
Noah is an adult, neutered male cat, probably born in 2023. He is an absolute gem of a cat. He's a big, big boy - large bones, a solid build, and maybe a little extra padding, but it just makes him more squeezable. He is into everything and wants nothing more than to be close to people and help them do their work. He seems to follow hand directions very quickly (if you tap something, he leaps up), so if you want a cat to clicker train, he might be a good candidate. He has been on many weekend car rides to the lakes with one of our volunteers where he enjoys birdwatching and butterfly displays. Noah has tested positive for FELV (feline leukemia virus), but at this time, he is happy and in robust good health. Moving forward, it's important to keep him healthy and rested and to avoid exposing him to novel diseases because he may be more vulnerable. Regular vet checks are also important to make sure nothing goofy is going on with him.
Update: Noah and his friend Sparkie (also FELV +) are currently in a foster home....if you'd like to meet them, please contact us at 701-356-7877.